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Esoteric Forum

Magic and rituals
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Rituals are a set of established activities of a symbolic nature, performed in a specific order, often in a religious or cultural context, to express social values or strengthen community ties. They also serve a stabilizing function and can help people move through important life stages.

Topics: 40  |  Posts: 277

Rituals vs. instrument...

Love rituals

Love rituals are specific practices or ceremonies used to attract love, strengthen an existing relationship or manifest feelings in a relationship. They can range from magical spells and amulets to everyday gestures and rituals of intimacy that deepen the bond between partners.

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Erik Mozgol - opinions


Magic is a practice that seeks to induce supernatural phenomena or influence reality through spells, rituals or amulets. It is usually based on belief in forces or energies invisible to the senses, and can be aimed at both personal gain and protection from supposed threats.

Topics: 16  |  Posts: 220

Magic vs. security

Magic items

Items Magic, such as talismans, pendulums, tarot and stones, are used in various traditions to influence energy, protect or predict the future. Talismans and stones are attributed with protective or healing properties, pendulums are used to make decisions and study energy, and tarot is a tool for interpreting events and predicting the future.

Topics: 10  |  Posts: 67

Dreamcatchers - Magic...

Divination, predictions
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Horoscope is an astrological forecast based on the alignment of the planets at the time of birth, aimed at interpreting the influence of the heavenly bodies on personality and future events. It is usually presented in the form of character analysis and predictions for the day, week or month for individual zodiac signs.

Topics: 3  |  Posts: 28

Uncovering the mystery of ...


Numerology is a pseudoscience that assigns numbers to various aspects of life to interpret their influence on a person's personality and future. It is based on the assumption that numbers associated with birth dates or names have special meanings and can reveal hidden truths about an individual's life and fate.

Topics: 4  |  Posts: 36

Mirror Hours: K...


Astrology is a belief system that assumes that the positions and movements of celestial bodies, such as stars and planets, affect people's lives and personalities. Astrologers interpret these alignments to predict future events and analyze character traits based on date, time and place of birth.

Topics: 9  |  Posts: 55

Odkryj Swój Prawdziw...

Tarot Cards

Tarot cards to talia 78 kart używana głównie do wróżenia i odkrywania wglądów duchowych. Składa się z dwóch części: Wielkich Arkanów, które zawierają 22 karty o głębokiej symbolice, oraz Małych Arkanów, które składają się z 56 kart podzielonych na cztery kolory. 

Topics: 32  |  Posts: 250

Life card from the date of u...

Divination, schedules, cards

Tarot card divination involves arranging cards in a specific layout to gain insight into the life of the person asking. There are different layouts, such as a simple three-card layout or a more complex kelt cross layout, and each card has a symbolic meaning that is interpreted in the context of the question.

Topics: 25  |  Posts: 123

Tarot Card Secrets...

Energy all around us
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Ghosts, paranormal phenomena

Paranormal phenomena are scientifically unexplained events associated with ghosts, telepathy or poltergeists, which are attributed to supernatural forces. Despite the lack of empirical evidence, these phenomena generate widespread interest and are often studied in the field of esotericism.

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What brings bad luck in ...

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Chakras is a concept from the Eastern philosophical tradition, referring to the seven main energy centers in the human body, located along the spine, from the base to the top of the head. Each chakra is responsible for different mental, emotional and physical aspects, and their balance is thought to promote health and spiritual well-being.

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Cosmic chakras

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Runes are an ancient alphabet used mainly by Germanic peoples, whose characters were used both for writing and for magical and divination purposes. Each rune has a specific meaning and symbolism that can be interpreted during divination to gain insight into life situations and predict the future. Nowadays runes are used in esoteric practices, where reading their meanings helps understand hidden influences and energies.

Topics: 4  |  Posts: 36

Runes - What about them sad...

Beliefs and religions
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Beliefs and religions of the world

Beliefs and religions are systems of beliefs that explain the nature of the world and humans and define relationships with the divine or spiritual. Religions typically include organized practices, rituals and moral rules that support a community of believers. Beliefs can be individual or part of a religion, influencing attitudes, values and daily decisions.

Topics: 12  |  Posts: 60

Astaroth: Who is W...

Dream world
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Sleep versus esotericism

In esotericism, a dream is considered a way to communicate with the subconscious and spiritual dimensions. Dreams are interpreted as symbolic messages that offer insights into spiritual and emotional life. Techniques such as conscious dreaming help in understanding and utilizing these messages.

Topics: 8  |  Posts: 32

Can dreams indicate something...

Esoterica - About everything and nothing
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Under the "Esotericism" category, the forum features general topics on spirituality, mysticism and secret knowledge. This is the place to discuss various practices, beliefs and phenomena that go beyond the traditional framework of science and religion.

Topics: 35  |  Posts: 173

How to clean the dwelling...

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Affirmations and self-development

Affirmations are positive affirmations used to reinforce beliefs and change attitudes through regular repetition. They are often used in self-development and personal development practices to promote positive life changes and increase self-confidence. Regular use of affirmations can help reprogram the mind, fostering more positive and effective thinking.

Topics: 9  |  Posts: 35

Conscious life choices...

From the Editor
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From the Editor

Announcements, information

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