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Father Klimuszko's predictions

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Hey everyone! 👋 I know this forum is mostly about tarot, but I've seen threads here about all sorts of interesting things, so I thought maybe someone might be interested in Father Klimuszko's predictions. 🤔 Have you heard of him? Apparently he had an amazing gift of predicting the future. 😲

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Father Klimuszko? I recognize the name, but I don't know much about his predictions. Can you say something more about him?

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@mirta He was said to be able to read the fate of people from photographs, and after the war he helped find the missing. From what I've read, many of his predictions came true. For example, the one about the "invasion of the infidels", which I now associate with a wave of migration.... It scares me a bit.

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Oh boy, this indeed gives food for thought.... And what else did he predict?

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He spoke of a "deluge" to flood the world. Many prophecies, such as those of the clairvoyant Philip Fediuk, also mention this. Poland is said to suffer the least, and even become a "spiritual odyssey" for other countries.

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"Odesa spiritual?" Interesting... And what about the flood? What is it supposed to look like?

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Many believe that this will be the result of the use of nuclear weapons, which will raise waves and flood the continents. Then there are supposed to be earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and toxic fumes.... There is talk of three days of darkness, when it will be impossible to leave the house. It is said that windows must be sealed and supplies must be gathered.

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Oh mother, that sounds terrible! And how do you know it will come true? After all, predictions are not the same as facts.

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You know, predictions are a bit like divinations From the tarot - they show possible scenarios, they warn. It is up to us to let this happen. Besides, many predictions from the past have come true, so maybe those about the future will also come true....

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I don't believe in such things there. The end of the world was already supposed to come so many times, and somehow we're still here.

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Maybe so, but it's better to blow the whistle, right? Besides, even physicists and theologians agree that the end of the world will happen someday, just no one knows when.

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@Zorka, a miałaś kiedyś jakieś prorocze dreams? Ja raz śniłam, że ziemia jest spalona, a na niebie jest wielkie czerwone słońce. Obudziłam się zlana potem...
