Hey everyone! I am puzzled by the Lovers card. In books it is often described as a symbol of love and passion, but I would like to know your opinion based on practice. Does this card for you mean a deeper relationship, also on an intellectual level, or more of a physical attraction and a relationship based mainly on sex? Or maybe both? Or does it depend on other cards?
In my case, it usually shows butterflies in the stomach, but not necessarily a lasting relationship. When someone is infatuated, the card comes out, but it rarely means something serious. It symbolizes emotions more than the type of relationship. I think it's a card typical for the beginning of a relationship, when we are not ourselves
That's how I see it, too. There is an emotional and/or physical rapprochement, but a serious relationship doesn't always come out of it.
And what cards do you think indicate a relationship on an emotional and sexual level? Maybe some specific connections to Lovers?
@natalie09 It's hard to say unequivocally... Maybe 10 of Cups with "love" cards? Or the 4 of Bulls?
@kunia Lovers + 4 of Cups for me is a typical romance, a relationship without commitment, a loose relationship. And Lovers + 10 of Cups could be what you are talking about.
@Natalie09, such a deeper relationship.
And what would it mean to combine the Lovers and the Devil?
@nastie Love, but it can be a toxic relationship, or a strong passion that burns out quickly.
How about comparing it to the combination of the Ace of Bulls and the Lovers? Or the Lovers and the 7 of Clubs?
@arkania The Ace of Bulls with Lovers seems to be a strong infatuation, physical attraction.... maybe even sexual intercourse? But let the more experienced speak for themselves.
@arbogi In my experience, the Lovers show romance, sometimes flirtation, infatuation. Sometimes a cool, complementary feeling, but then I look at the cards next to understand the whole story.
As for Lovers and the Devil, it could be a hot romance based only on sex, or a toxic relationship. But to me it's more associated with an affair that everyone knows and knows that nothing will come of it.