Let's be more precise: what is at stake - belief in tarot, or belief in the divinations, in this case tarot? So - do the predictions come true, and if not, why not. And whether it is possible to predict the future at all. Horoscopes printed in newspapers have nothing to do with astrology and must not be believed!!! They are just a silly game of zodiac signs.
As for those newspaper horoscopes, I agree, it's some kind of mockery.
I once read that I was in for an amazing love adventure, and a week later my boyfriend dumped me! 🤪 So I had a super adventure.
I go to a psychic there regularly and am satisfied. My fortune teller gives a great reading cards And it has helped me a lot in my life.
What about those wedding horoscopes? I've heard that it is possible to choose a wedding date so that the marriage will be successful.
@czulu But how do you know? Maybe there is something in it? After all, astrology is based on the movement of the planets, and they certainly affect us somehow.
@daneczka The influence of the planets is a fact, but it cannot be overestimated. Astrology is not magic. It is a system of analysis and interpretation of symbols.
The influence of the planets is a fact, but it cannot be overestimated. Astrology is not magic. It is a system of analysis and interpretation of symbols.
Astrology can help us understand ourselves and our place in the world, but it will not predict our future.
And I know of cases where people have chosen their wedding date according to the horoscope and are happy to this day. So maybe there is something in it? 🤔
I there believe in destiny. I think our lives are already planned and nothing will change that.
@elfin Don't exaggerate. We have free will and can shape our lives. Of course, there are things beyond our control, but that doesn't mean we are puppets in the hands of fate.
What about those death predictions? I've heard stories about people who knew when they were going to die.
@sara20 These are just stories. No one knows the date of their death. And if someone claims to know, they are either lying or have head problems.
@hellan But there are, after all, clairvoyants who predict the future with great accuracy. I saw such a program on television.
@galia Don't believe everything they show on TV. Often they are just tricks and manipulation.
@czulu in my opinion the date of the wedding ( Election astrology )and the horoscope of the partnership (synastry ) is important I have been dealing with Astrology for about 10 years and I am still learning, I study Birth Radixes and I help others - for free !!!!!!!!!!!! because I like it my passion:)
@galia Clairvoyance is a very controversial topic. There is no scientific evidence that it exists.
And there I believe in clairvoyance. I myself sometimes have a premonition that something will happen, and it usually comes true.
@herga Me too! I once dreamed that a friend of mine was going to have an accident, and the next day it happened.