A certain issue is bothering me. I've been to several psychics and I've noticed that their predictions often don't come true or come true with a long delay. Have you had similar experiences?
A few years ago I had a fortune teller and she told me that I would meet the love of my life within a year. Well, and as you can see, I'm still single.... 😉
To me, a fortune teller once said that I would win the jackpot! Well, and as you can see, I'm still waiting for that win.... 😂
I think it is important to remember that the cards are not an oracle. They show us possible scenarios, but it is up to us to decide which one will come true. Our decisions and choices affect the future, and the cards help us understand it better.
@crystal That makes sense. But one more thing puzzles me. Sometimes I ask the same thing at different intervals and get completely different answers. Does this mean that the future is changeable?
@agatha-1 Of course, the future is changeable. The cards show us only one of the possible options at any given time. Our lives are a series of choices that shape our future.
Or is it a matter of card interpretation? After all, one card can have multiple meanings.
@zorka, you are right. Interpretation of the cards is a key issue. An experienced tarotist can read the message of the cards in the context of the client's question and situation.
It is also worth remembering to clean the cards. If you use them frequently, you should clean them regularly, for example, with white sage or a candle.
And how do you clear your cards? I am still a beginner and don't quite know how to do it.
@Mara, there are many ways to purify the cards. They can be smeared with white sage, poured with incense smoke, left overnight in the moonlight or covered with salt. It is important to do this regularly and with the intention of cleansing the energy of the cards.
Ja zauważyłam, że karty czasami pokazują przyszłość w sposób symboliczny. Trzeba nauczyć się odczytywać te symbole, żeby zrozumieć przesłanie kart.
@Columbine, zgadzam się. Karty to język symboli. Każda karta ma swoje unikalne znaczenie, ale dopiero w kontekście innych kart i pytania możemy ją właściwie zinterpretować.
Myślę, że wróżenie z kart to nie tylko przepowiadanie przyszłości. To także sposób na lepsze zrozumienie siebie i swojej sytuacji.
Pamiętajmy, że karty to tylko narzędzie. Najważniejsza jest intuicja i doświadczenie osoby, która je interpretuje.
@Zorka, bardzo ciekawy temat poruszyłaś. Myślę, że wiele osób ma podobne doświadczenia. Sama nieraz spotkałam się z sytuacjami, gdy wróżba mi się nie sprawdziła albo sprawdziła z dużym opóźnieniem.