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Tarot versus Oracle Cards - Which to choose for divination?

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For centuries, people have sought ways to predict the future. One of the oldest and most popular tools for divination are cards. Nowadays we can meet not only classic Tarot decks, but also increasingly popular oracle cards. What are the differences between these two types of cards? Which of them will work better in divination? Find the answers to these questions in the article below.

Tarot - Key to the subconscious

Tarot versus Oracle Cards
Tarot versus Oracle Cards

Tarot is a strictly structured divination system. The classic deck consists of 78 cards, divided into 22 Greater Arcana i 56 Small Arcanas. Each card has its own meaning, which can be interpreted depending on the context. Interestingly, Tarot is used not only in divination rituals, but also in psychotherapy and subconscious analysis.

The mechanism of Tarot is based on pareidolia - the ability of the human brain to see familiar shapes in abstract images. In practice, this means that the interpretation of the cards can be deeply subjective, but at the same time provides an opportunity to explore one's own emotions and thoughts.

What are Oracle cards?

Oracle cards are decks created according to the author's individual concept. They do not have a rigid structure - their number and rules depend on the creator. We can meet decks dedicated to specific themes, such as love, nature, animals or spirituality.

The biggest advantage of oracle cards is their intuitive nature. Unlike Tarot, where each card has a fixed meaning, in oracle cards the interpretation is more open. Sometimes the meaning of a card is written directly on it, making it easier for beginners to use the deck.

Structure and symbolism - Tarot vs. Oracles

The main difference between Tarot and oracle cards lies in their structure:

  • Tarot It always consists of 78 cards, divided into Great and Minor arcana. It has an established symbolism based on numerology, astrology and archetypes.
  • Oracle Cards mają dowolną liczbę kart, a ich symbolika jest określona przez twórcę. Mogą zawierać affirmations, mądrości życiowe lub uniwersalne symbole.

In practice, this means that Tarot requires more knowledge and study, while oracle cards are more accessible to beginners.

Which cards are better for beginners?

Beginners are advised to start with oracle cards, as they do not require in-depth knowledge of symbolism. For those who like more structured tools and are ready to learn, Tarot will be a better choice.

Interestingly, those advanced in divination often combine the two systems, using Tarot for deeper analysis and oracle cards for quick answers and daily guidance.

How to get started with cards?


  1. Choose the deck that appeals most to you (e.g., Rider-Waite, Crowley).
  2. Learn the basic symbolism of the cards and their meanings.
  3. Start practicing with simple schedules (e.g., one card a day).

Oracle Cards:

  1. Choose a deck according to your interests (e.g. angelic, floral, astrological).
  2. Read the instructions and interpret the cards intuitively.
  3. Use them every day as decision support.


The choice between Tarot and oracle cards depends on individual preference. Tarot is a more complex system, requiring study and practice, but allowing for deep analysis. Oracle cards are simpler and more intuitive, so they will work well for people who are new to divination.

No matter which type of cards you choose, the most important thing is to feel comfortable and open to the messages coming from the subconscious. Both Tarot and oracle cards can be valuable tools for self-discovery and discovering the path of life.

Joined: 3 months ago
Posts: 59

Tarot ma bardziej ustrukturyzowany system, ale przez to dla niektórych może być trudniejszy na początku. Karty wyroczni są prostsze w użyciu, bo często mają już zapisane interpretacje. To może być pomocne, ale też ograniczające, bo nie rozwija tak intuicji jak Tarot.​

Joined: 4 months ago
Posts: 81

@Kunia, a nie masz wrażenia, że dla niektórych właśnie ta struktura Tarota jest pomocna? Jak się już ją opanuje, to każda talia działa według tego samego schematu. Z wyroczniami bywa różnie, każda talia to inna bajka.​
