Hi everyone! I've been thinking lately about how tarot can affect our perceptions of sexuality and relationships. Over the years of working with cards, I've noticed that people often turn to tarot not only with questions about the future, but also to better understand themselves. Any of you had similar thoughts or experiences?
I don't have a lot of experience with cards, but I've always thought of cards as something mystical, almost magical, and not necessarily as a tool for self-discovery. When I started my adventure with tarot, I was afraid it would show me something I didn't want to know.
It's interesting how different cards can emphasize different aspects of sexuality. For example, the Devil often refers to sex that is more licentious and full of perversion, while the Strength card speaks of a more passionate and affectionate act.
I have a question, what do you think about Lovers? Does this card always have to mean a choice between two partners?
And I recently pulled the Nine of Cups in a question about my erotic life. It bothered me a bit because I associate it with exaggeration and hedonism.
And what do you say about the Death card? Does it necessarily mean the end of a relationship?
And are there cards that indicate problems in the sexual sphere?
What about the cards that say betrayal?
I honestly didn't know that tarot could be so helpful in analyzing sex life.
Or can you recommend any deck that is particularly good for analyzing relationships and sexuality?
I, for one, am curious how to interpret the court cards in the context of sexuality. Do you have any associations?