Hi everyone! Here's the thing. My sister was at a fortune teller and wanted to order a distribution for her daughter. I don't know exactly why she wanted to do it, but the tarotist told her that she couldn't do it because she doesn't put cards on minors. So as not to stir up her energy.
I began to wonder, in this case, if someone asks tarot about us, can it "mess up" our energies? We are adults, so maybe it doesn't affect us? What do you guys think about this?
Wydaje mi się, że to zależy od tego, w co wierzymy. Jak ktoś wierzy, że tarot może wpłynąć na jego życie, to pewnie tak będzie. Ale jak ktoś podchodzi do tego sceptycznie, to raczej nic mu się nie stanie.
@Arkania, it's not quite like that. The influence on a person's energy is not so much the belief in tarot itself, but the intentions of the diviner and his methods. There are those who use various "magical" ways during divination, and then they can indeed affect the energy of the person they divine.
And what does it mean to "mix in energy"? Do you mean any suggestions, hints? Because, after all, when I ask about someone close to me, I won't tell him what I heard.
@kasieczka It can involve introducing foreign energies into someone's energy field, manipulating it, or even impersonating someone else's energy. This can lead to a variety of problems, from fatigue and irritability to more serious emotional disturbances.
A czy to prawda, że jak ktoś dostanie cards w prezencie i je przyjmie, to z jednej strony będzie miał super trafne divinations, a z drugiej zniszczy mu to życie osobiste? Pytam, bo dałem kiedyś karty w prezencie kuzynce i ktoś jej nagadał, że to tak jakbym jej świnię podłożył.
@fanar First - people who do not ask for cards are not diviners. Second - the cards themselves are just cards, but they acquire "power" in the hands of the diviner. They can "charge" with energy and store the energy of the persons to whom we have divined. Therefore, it is important to clean the cards after each use.
@czulu exactly. The cards can become a carrier of different energies, so you need to clean them regularly. It is best to burn or bury them in the ground at the crossroads.
@sauwak Well that's a bit of a lime... I didn't know about this purification and gave her "dirty" cards.
@fanar Take it easy, don't panic. Something bad doesn't always have to happen. It's important for your cousin to take care of clearing the cards, too.
@leonora This is not entirely true. Even regular cleansing does not always eliminate the risk completely. The cards can attract various energies, some of which can be harmful, especially for sensitive people.
A co z kaktusami? Też trzeba je oczyszczać z złej energii? Słyszałam, że przynoszą pecha.