My question;
Would any good soul redirect me to a place where interpretations are done from tarot card spreads?
I don't want to litter places not meant for it😕.
I would appreciate your help🙏
Maybe this thread will be just from interpretation 🙂 .
Hello, I am asking for support in interpreting tarot cards because I am having difficulty understanding their meaning on my own.
About four weeks ago there was an argument between me and my partner. As a result, he moved out and made no attempt to repair our relationship. Since then we have met only once, and currently we do not keep in touch. This situation is very stressful for me and I don't know how to proceed.
I asked a question about the future of our relationship. I used a three-card layout that showed: THE SUN, THE KINGDOM OF COWS and the 10 of Cups as the card of the future.
Would anyone be willing to share their thoughts on this topic? I would appreciate any feedback.
I'll try to help somehow 🙂
The Sun card often symbolizes optimism, happiness and positive change. It may suggest that despite the current difficulties, there is hope for a better future in your relationship.
The Queen of Swords may represent a person (perhaps you) of strong character, intelligence and independence. This card may indicate the need to clearly communicate your feelings and thoughts in the current situation.
The 10 of Cups, as a card of the future, is often interpreted as a symbol of harmony, family happiness and emotional fulfillment. It may suggest a positive resolution of the current situation in the long run.
Overall, this arrangement may suggest that despite the current difficulties, there is potential for a positive resolution of the situation. This may require open and honest communication and work on the relationship on your part and your partner's part.
I have a problem with a friend who suddenly stopped contacting me without giving me a reason. He ignores my attempts to make contact. I suspect that I may have had some part in this, but I'm not sure. It's been a while and he is still silent.
I asked the tarot about the situation:
- Does he plan to speak up? The House of Bulls has fallen out
- When will he do it? King of Bulls
- What is its purpose? Ace of Swords and Rebirth
My thoughts:
I think I will eventually hear from him. I recently had a positive dreams About him, which reinforces this hunch. The Page of Bulls could mean a message, although I have changed my phone number, so we are left with just email.
The King of Bulls suggests that this could happen fairly soon - within a few weeks or in the spring, although it is difficult to be precise in tarot.
The Ace of Swords and Rebirth indicate that he wants to clarify his decision to break contact and possibly renew our relationship.
I would love to know other interpretations of these cards. What do you guys think?
@leja Hey, it looks like cards give you hope for renewed contact with a friend. The King of Buzzards may indeed herald a message, so perhaps expect an email. The King of Bulls is a card of action and energy, so your intuition about quick contact may be accurate. The Ace of Swords represents truth and clarity, and the Rebirth suggests a new beginning - it looks like your friend may want to clarify the situation and start over. Your dreams may also be a good sign. However, keep in mind that tarot This is just a hint, not a certainty. How about giving your friend some space and time? Sometimes people need a moment to themselves to think things over. Hang in there and don't lose hope!
Hello, I have laid out my cards regarding my former partner. We separated a month ago and here is what came out in my spread:
1. what he thinks of me: Three of Swords, Eight of Cups, Wheel of Fortune
It seems that he is still suffering from our breakup and is torn up about it. The Three of Swords shows that he is trying to play tough, thinking that time will heal the wounds and forget. The Eight of Cups suggests that he is analyzing the situation, considering what will be better for him, and the Wheel of Fortune indicates the possibility of sudden changes in his attitude and maybe even new feelings.
2 - Will we come together? Star, Eight of Coins, Justice
These cards may promise that peace will come after a turbulent period. This will require hard work on the relationship and may be more a matter of reason than passion. I accept that we will not be together, as we will both focus on other things.
3 Is this a definite end for years to come? Empress, Ace of Kyiv, Hermit
We can try to be together, but if we don't know how to get along, we will face the end of the relationship.
4 What are his feelings toward me? Six of Coins, Fool, Pontifex
He doesn't seem to stop loving me, but he is lost. He would like to do something, but he is afraid to show his feelings, he keeps them inside.
5 - Will you hear from him? Moon, Hermit, Three of Swords
To quote a well-known psychic, "you have awakened in him a longing that is strong and emotional," but still he is afraid of his feelings. I think that if you hear from him, it will be rather some unpleasant text message.
6 What will help us resolve the conflict? Six of Cups, Three of clubs, Chariot
If I heard from him, I should be warm, not revisit the past and not reproach. Simply being patient will bring success.
7. what are his expectations?
He seems to expect the same - patience and understanding, without blaming him.
8. will I have sex with him? Nine of Coins, Hanged Man, Ace of Swords
Possibly, yes, on his initiative, but it will be rather "in the cold" and may be related to trying to achieve something.
9. what is the possibility of getting pregnant? Moderately
Yes, but after waiting the appropriate time.
10 What are his intentions toward me? Pope, Star, Jack of Cups
These cards have positive overtones, but I'm not sure how to interpret it.
11. does he miss me? Ten of Denarii, Lovers, Empress
Yes, he misses.
12. will I travel with him until the end of 2019? Eight of Coins, Justice, Two of Bulls
I'm not sure how to read this in the context of travel.
Thank you all for your help and time spent analyzing these cards! 😊
Your cards suggest that your ex-partner is still in pain after the breakup, is torn, but there is a chance to change his attitude. Although it is possible that you will try to be together again, it will require a lot of work and understanding on both sides. His feelings are confused, but they have not disappeared completely. There is a chance for contact, although it may not be pleasant. The conflict can be resolved by patience and not revisiting the past. Potential intimate relations may arise, but they are more likely to be of a cool nature. As for his intentions and travel opportunities, the situation seems unclear, but feelings of longing on his part are certainly present. You need to be patient and open to developments.
I also ask for help, the situation is as follows:
I want to work in a specific place - in the office where I did my internship a few years ago. I have a friend there who is quite influential. I admit that it sounds a bit like the old days, but can I count on his support in this matter?
The cards I pulled - Ace of Bulls, 8 of Swords, Moon - indicate a lack of real support from him, even though I was hoping for help because of old acquaintances. Especially since I helped him a lot in the past: I arranged kindergarten for his child, helped the children get an award, and supported him in his work on a project. I'm a little disappointed, because although he spoke beautifully, the cards suggest that my situation is still uncertain and I'm not being considered for recruitment.
The moon in the cards symbolizes illusion and promises with no cover. This, when complemented by other cards, such as the Devil, 9 Coins and 3 of Clubs, can mean that competition for this position will cost me a lot. I'm not fond of the 9 of Coins card, because sometimes it means more sacrifices than I would like. The 3 of Taurus may suggest that plans for this job may not work out.
I feel like I am standing in a corner. On the one hand there is some chance of progress, but the Moon with 9 Coins and the Devil indicate possible manipulation on the part of a friend and playing for time as much as the situation will allow.
Hey, it looks like the current situation is unclear and you may not get as much support from your friend as you had hoped. The cards suggest that the scenario is not quite clear, and the promises may only be apparent.
You may want to protect yourself and look for other opportunities outside this office. Don't rely on just one path; there may be other opportunities waiting for you that you don't yet know about. Be prepared to put in some effort, but don't lose the chance to improve your situation by doing so.
Please help me with the interpretation. In a week's time on Monday, I will have a tough conversation with my boss, as I am returning to work after a long illness, and I still do not feel fully healthy. I plan to inform my boss that I won't be able to fulfill all my existing duties at first. This conversation is stressing me out a lot.
The cards I have drawn (3 of Swords, 9 of Clubs, Knight of Coins) do not fill me with optimism. I feel that the conversation will be uncomfortable for me and I will not be understood well, rather I will encounter a lot of resistance. The only consolation is the Knight of Coins, which may suggest that in the end the result will be a little better than I expect. What do you guys think about this?
@tarocina This time maybe I'll give it a try 🙂 .
The 3 of Swords suggests that the conversation may be emotionally difficult and you may encounter misunderstanding or some resistance from your boss. The 9 of Clubs indicates that you will have to be really persistent and ready to defend your situation, despite any obstacles. You may need to be prepared to discuss and explain why you need more time to return to full form. The Knight of Coins is a good sign, because although the conversation may not be easy, in the end it can bring a stable result. With patience and determination, in time the situation may calm down, and you will find understanding and a suitable solution. Hang in there, it will be fine!
Thank you for your help, in that case I'll know what to look forward to 🙂