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Shadows in dreams

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Hi everyone! I'm new here and looking for some advice. I've been interested in mysticism and spirituality for a while now, trying to find answers to my questions. I have been able to understand many things, but one event still puzzles me.

I've been sleeping on the floor for a long time - it grounds me and helps with my back pain. One night I woke up because it became strangely bright around me. It wasn't as if the sun was rising or someone had turned on a light.... it's hard to describe. There were at least 8 dark figures standing around my bed, somewhat resembling the Guardians of Darkness. They were sort of blurry, as if dressed in wavy black robes, and their eyes glowed. They were looking at me, but I felt no fear or panic, as if I knew them. After a while, I fell asleep.

I can't forget this picture. I know that my dreams They often confuse me, but this was different. I'm looking for some explanation, a clue.... Can you help?

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Hi @Young!

"Shadow Characters" usually just observe. They rarely interact with people, except for the "Man in the Hat," who is sometimes described as sinister. They probably watched you for some reason and nothing else.

It's not clear why they're doing it or what exactly they are. As long as they don't talk, don't do anything wrong and don't show clear intentions, there's no point in worrying about it. There's not an explanation for everything, especially when it comes to interdimensional beings. Human logic rarely applies to them.

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@czulu I think it's not that simple. From a physical point of view, we live in a quantum world, where the observation itself affects the observed object. Quantum entanglement works on different dimensions. I don't know what it does there, but these dark beings can't interact with us or our dimension. However, there is a flow of information, hence dreams, visions, inspirations. We are four-dimensional beings and can only perceive so much.

Why don't you try to look at it from that perspective?

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I don't think that way, it's too complicated for me. I think there are many planes of existence where different beings live. Sometimes they visit ours, for some reason. Some are friendly, some are neutral, and some want our energy. I don't think about how or why, I don't need a scientific explanation.

There is no point in asking "why", because these creatures do not think like us. They often do something because they simply feel like it. Trying to understand their motivations is difficult, and often impossible, from a human point of view.

Shadow figures (Shadow People) like to observe. You were not afraid, you were not attacked, they did not talk to you. If they wanted to, they would. If it was important to contact them, they would have come back and said what they wanted. But they didn't. Why wonder why? I understand the impulse, but it's like wondering why someone smiled at you on the street. You'll never know unless you meet that person again.

I don't want to detract from your experience, but from my point of view, as someone who has dealt with interdimensional beings, it's just pragmatism. If we have to learn something, we will learn. Contact with a spirit, a being of anything, does not always have a deeper meaning, just because it is unusual and sometimes scary.

Maybe try to look at it from a different perspective, not scientific? Often such things happen because we think too much rationally. The spiritual world exists and reminds people of themselves. There is more than what we see, why stuff everything into a rigid framework?

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@czulu I understand your perspective. I know that everyone has their own truth. I didn't mean a scientific explanation, but rather to use science to illustrate my point. After reading Gurdjieff and Mouravieff, I am sure that nothing happens without a reason. We may think so because we do not see the cause. Pragmatism is not bad, but I was guided to the information I found. I wouldn't have come across it myself.

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@young As I said, it often makes no sense to find out why a being does something. A person looks for a reason, but that doesn't mean it exists. Encountering beings from nowhere may seem unusual, but that's because modern man has learned to see them. Once it happens, he panics or wonders about the being's intentions. But she never appears again.

I'm pragmatic and don't overthink things. If a being wants something from me, it will tell me and will appear to make contact. But in the case of Shadow People, who mostly observe, this is unlikely. If I speak to them, they usually disappear. I don't know of a case of someone talking to them.

Have you been guided to know about Shadow People? I'm familiar with that, too. When I'm bothered by something, I'm usually "pushed" in the right direction. Maybe the idea was to find out what kind of beings you saw. All in all, there is not much information about them.

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I knew who they were, but the fact that they were performing as a kind of tribunal was new to me. I guess I was just interesting to them, like colorful fish in an aquarium. Or it was all about some kind of evaluation. Maybe they were surprised that I was still alive and so hard to kill 😉 Sure it was pointless to think about it. This was the only case that stood out from the "pack", the only tangible one with a reference to reality.

I was led to the knowledge I needed by a foreign woman from Austria. She pointed me to astrotheology, thanks to which I understood the origin of religion. Then I became interested in mysticism, gnosis and these two gentlemen. Then the circle closed and I thought I would ask what others thought of my experience. In the world of the bourgeois and "normal" this is impossible, and in the world of satanists, occultists, magicians and witches I didn't want to ask. I have bad experiences with them. That's how I ended up here. I also met someone who left the satanic order. He noticed that something "unlocked" in me and I am open to what lies ahead. I guess you can see by the time between registering and starting the thread that I thought it through well.

I'm a stoic and pragmatist, so I don't approach this emotionally or with fear. I am driven by curiosity. Be that as it may, maybe in the future I will find the answer. At least I know where these creatures exist. I have long known that each of us has a destiny. Maybe that's what drives me, the desire to find out if these dark figures have something to do with it.

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@Young, the origin of religion? Sounds intriguing! Where/how/when is this beginning?

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@Young, I think watching people is something like watching TV or birds for them. Animals also don't understand why a two-legged creature with binoculars is sitting in the bushes. We think it's normal, but when they watch us, it's strange. Maybe Shadow People are just playing with it. You're on an esoteric forum, so you've come to a good place. There are many magicians, witches and occultists here. Esoterica is a wide field. You see how many subforums there are about different topics. A lot of witches and magicians work with beings, so they often know about it. That we have a destiny is a matter of faith. It is not an established truth. I don't believe in it. Just because Shadow People observe people and choose specific people for themselves doesn't mean they will affect your life someday. Maybe they observe people who are different from others because they are interesting. Or the selection is random. Maybe they observe more people than we think, just not everyone sees them.

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@Arat, I think it can be placed even before the Abrahamic religions. At a time when the Sun, Moon, planets and constellations were considered living beings. Saturn as the heavenly father, from which the name Saturday/Sabbath was derived, and even Satan (though the latter only after the Flood). The Morning Star as the bearer of light, Prometheus, later Lucifer, etc. Then the Son of God, the Sun, who dies each day, killed by the prince of darkness, to rise in the morning. Later similar stories appeared in Zoroaster, Buddha.... Since the Christian faith was created by the Romans during the decline of their empire as a tool of control, you can see where they got their inspiration from. There is a reason why it says "Roman Catholic Church". I'm convinced that these beings are doing more than just observing, but I can't say that with certainty. All I know is that there is a flow of information between their world and ours. Consciousness shapes matter and manifests, that's for sure. That they see oddities here is also beyond doubt.

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I'm sorry to hear that. As for bullying, I had a similar experience, I also went through a lot, although in my case it was rather severe illnesses.

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@Gabka, please don't grieve my fate or feel sorry for me. I think we both came out of it stronger. We can't hate, because it lowers our energy, brings us down to their level. I think it was a lesson from fate to find the persistence and strength to go on. Or that's why. In my case, everything started to fall into place when I realized my strength and said to myself "not with me!". This is the same team that later tried to force me to commit suicide. Gangstalking is a terrible thing. Only this time I played calmly, relaxed and laughed in spirit. It is said: "The best way to prove them wrong is to live life well." I didn't lose any real friends through their lies, only false ones who oppressed me anyway and were in fact my enemies. Their lies, which they spread, eventually began to contradict each other. When that didn't work, they drugged me with GBL and tried to forcibly achieve what they couldn't otherwise. You can say that they themselves taught me as a child how to become as hard as concrete for them. They are cowards, they are afraid to kill, they prefer to oppress. They know that in the open, sober, I would never allow it. If someone tried, I would destroy him without mercy, the shadow of an attempt would suffice. I would focus all the pain, all the suffering and release it. No one would survive it. Understand that they don't grow up to be like you. They are afraid of you and intimidated, or you have something they will never have. That's the nature of a bully. It is said: "Hate is a coward's revenge for being intimidated." I think this captures the point well. Wear your scars with pride, they are like tattoos, only they tell a better story.

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@Young, I appreciate that you want me to see it that way and live that way. And - rationally speaking - all this is clear to me. But for reasons I don't want to explain here, I can't. It's often not a matter of will, everyone reacts and copes with such things differently. I guess I can only help myself. But still, thank you for your words.

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@Young, very interesting what you write about the origins of religion. I wonder if these "Shadow Figures" may have some connection with ancient deities that have been forgotten or transformed into "demons" over time. Maybe they still exist in some other dimension and sometimes reveal themselves?

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@Kinsia, it is very possible. After all, many ancient deities have been relegated to the role of demons by the new religions. Maybe these "Shadow Figures" are just those forgotten beings who watch us from hiding. Or maybe they are guardians of other dimensions who control the flow of energy between worlds. After all, as I mentioned before, everything is interconnected at the quantum level.

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@Young, Your thoughts are intriguing, but I would advise caution in interpreting such visions. Shadows can have different meanings, not necessarily related to ancient deities. Sometimes they are simply projections of our own subconscious, a reflection of our fears and anxieties. It is worth considering whether there are any recent stressful situations in your life that could manifest themselves in this way.

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@Zengui, rozumiem twój punkt widzenia, ale w moim przypadku to było coś więcej niż tylko sleep. Byłem całkowicie świadomy otoczenia, a te postacie były tak wyraźne, że trudno mi uwierzyć, że to tylko wytwór mojej wyobraźni. Poza tym, nie odczuwałem strachu, co jest dość nietypowe, gdy widzi się coś tak niezwykłego. Co do stresu, fakt, ostatnio mam dużo na głowie, ale to nie tłumaczy tej wizji.
