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Can dreams mean anything?

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Hey everyone! I've been wondering lately about dreams and their meanings. Sometimes I feel like my dreams are just a bunch of random images, but other times they seem to have some hidden meaning. What do you guys think about this? Do you believe in this "magical" side of dreams, or do you approach them with a pinch of salt?

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I think dreams can be a reflection of our subconscious, a place where our hidden fears, desires and emotions can surface. I myself often analyze my dreams and sometimes see clues in them about my life.

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@pajeczyna And how do you do it? Do you have any proven methods of dream interpretation? I would love to learn something, because my dreams are always so chaotic and I don't know how to go about it.

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@daneczka There are many books and websites dedicated to dream symbols. There you can find the basic meanings of various motifs, for example, water can symbolize emotions, and a house - our body or psyche. It is also important to pay attention to your feelings in the dream, because they often hint at what is really going on.

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@pajeczyna What do you think about people who claim to be able to predict the future based on dreams? Is it even possible?

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Posted by: @arkania

What do you think about people who claim to be able to predict the future based on dreams? Is it even possible?

I have heard of such cases, but I myself am skeptical about it. I think that dreams can give us clues about our inner premonitions or fears, but I find it hard to believe that they can literally foretell the future.


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@Bryza I agree. Dreams are more of a symbolic language of our subconscious, not a crystal ball. Although sometimes I feel like my dreams are trying to tell me something important, I just can't always decipher it.

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@czulu Maybe you should write down your dreams? Apparently this helps you remember them better and interpret them.

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@anima Keeping a dream journal is a great way to explore the meaning of dreams. There you can note not only the dreams themselves, but also your feelings and associations with them. Over time, you may begin to notice certain recurring motifs or symbols, which can tell us a lot about ourselves.

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And I never remember my dreams. Does this mean there is something wrong with me?

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@dagma This is completely normal. Not everyone remembers their dreams, and certainly not every night. If you want to try to remember them, you can put a notebook and pen by your bed and write them down as soon as you wake up.

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@shangie AND are there any ways to have more vivid dreams? I'd like to feel like I'm in a movie sometimes!

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@natalie09 Apparently meditation before bed can help. Or maybe just watch more movies before bed, that can work too 😛.

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@Nastie, @Natalie09, actually, meditation can affect dream consciousness. There is also such a thing as "conscious dreaming," a state in which we realize that we are dreaming and can control the course of the dream. It just feels like a movie!

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@Wiciol, conscious dreaming is a fascinating subject! Apparently, it can be learned through various techniques, such as keeping a dream journal, reality testing during the day or affirmations.

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@Arbogi, and do you think that conscious dreams can be dangerous? Is it possible to get "lost" in them?

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@Argos, I have not heard that conscious dreaming is dangerous. They are simply another form of consciousness. You can think of them as an adventure or a tool for self-development.

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@Centa, what if I dream something terrible in a conscious dream? Can it affect my psyche?

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@Vinta, I think it depends on you. If you let yourself get carried away by fear, then sleep It can be unpleasant. But if you realize that it is just a dream, you can control it and change its course.

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@Oliczka ma rację. W świadomym śnie mamy większą kontrolę nad swoimi emocjami i myślami. Możemy więc wykorzystać to do przepracowania swoich lęków lub do realizacji marzeń, które w rzeczywistości są nieosiągalne.

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@Barni, to prawda. Świadome śni to potężne narzędzie do samorozwoju. Możemy w nich eksperymentować z różnymi sytuacjami, uczyć się nowych umiejętności lub po prostu cieszyć się nieograniczoną wolnością.

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@Crystal, ważne jest jednak, żeby podchodzić do świadomych snów z szacunkiem i ostrożnością. To w końcu nasza psychika, a nie zabawka.
