What do you use when performing the ritual? What do you use for it?
During the ritual, the key for me is the proper preparation of the space. This is the basis. There must be nothing to distract me.
@hellan Space is the key To this end, I like to burn incense to purify the atmosphere and put me in the right mood.
@arkania As for incense, it depends on the purpose of the ritual. For meditation and relaxation, I recommend lavender or sandalwood. For protective rituals - resins, such as myrrh or frankincense.
I recommend palo santo. It has a wonderful fragrance and is said to ward off evil energies. I use it to cleanse a space before a ritual.
I read somewhere that for ceremonial magic you need a special altar, robes, wand.... Is all this necessary?
@argos Don't get crazy! 😉 Ceremonial magic is just one approach. It can be practiced and without all the instrumentation. Intention and focus are more important.
@kapturek Exactly. I, for example, use only candles and herbs for most rituals. Sometimes I throw in some stone that I feel fits the intention.
And what do you think about talismans and amulets? Do you make them yourself or do you buy them?
@czulu And I once received from my grandmother a beautiful silver bracelet with a moon symbol. I wear it whenever I need extra strength and intuition.
Me thinks that the most important thing is to choose the instrumentation to suit yourself and the type of magic you practice. There is no one "right" way.
@leonora That's right. Every magician develops his or her own style over time and chooses tools that resonate with him or her.
Here there is nothing to think about because it is simply so. Other tools for higher level magic other for lower level magic because they also depend on the ritual performed. The most important thing is care in their selection, because there can be no savings here - less care, less effect, and of this I am sure, and I know from my own experience that it does matter. The reward for the contribution of our energy is the energy of the universe.
And what do you think about elemental magic? What kind of instrumentation is needed for it?
Depending on the ritual, certainly herbs, candles, oils, powders , it all depends on the ritual, the elements are forces that are invoked to achieve the desired goal
@elfin I think that for elemental magic, symbols representing each element are useful. For example, a feather for Air, a shell for Water, a stone for Earth and a candle for Fire.
Można też używać olejków eterycznych, ziół, a nawet kolorów. Ważne, żeby czuć połączenie z żywiołami.
Pamiętajcie, że magia to nie tylko narzędzia, ale przede wszystkim nasza wewnętrzna siła i energia. Instrumenty mogą nam pomóc w skupieniu i wzmocnieniu intencji, ale to my jesteśmy prawdziwym źródłem magii.