Hey everyone!
I want to share with you and ask for feedback, because I don't know anything about it myself, I acted more on feeling.
I was with a guy I met by chance - he was a client in my company. At the time I seemingly had my life arranged - a husband (with whom I didn't get along) and a child, but I wasn't looking for anyone.
This guy sent me some paperwork to be taken care of, and I totally forgot about it. When I remembered after a month, I got terribly annoyed with myself. I tried to fix it somehow, we wrote emails, called. He was already looking for another company, but when I called he gave up. Finally, he asked me to contact him on messenger.
Dokończyłam tę sprawę i myślałam, że to koniec. Ale po kilku tygodniach miałam dziwny sleep o nim - że go kocham i uprawiamy seks. Rano było mi głupio, że mi się śnią klienci.
Then he began to write to me on messenger, and I wrote back. We chatted every day, I caught myself waiting for messages from him. We quickly became engaged and it was immediately deep. We didn't see each other in person (he was working in Norway), but we talked every day and started to fall in love. He was sincere and good.
After 3 months of talking on the phone, we met for a day (he lived 300 km from me). The meeting was great, we could not part, there were no barriers. I felt comfortable and calm with him.
Then we met two more times.... The fourth time he came to see me and we lived together. I filed divorce papers, with my ex-husband shared custody of the child.
Since we moved in together, we felt like we had known each other all our lives. We laughed that we were like a good old married couple. We constantly had something to talk about, we had the same sense of humor, we looked at the world similarly, we were matched in 100%. There was nothing about him that I didn't approve of, I trusted and loved him, it was a sincere feeling. We wanted to do well for each other, he fought alcoholism (and succeeded), and I thrived at work.
We were both making progress in this relationship. Sometimes we argued, but we knew how to talk about it. The problem was a problem to be solved, not a defining person. We saw each other's intentions. We trusted each other 100%, we didn't even think about betrayal. I was happy, fulfilled and at peace with him.
We wanted to spend time only with each other, we didn't even go out to see friends. Our company was enough for us. We were always there for each other, we supported and loved each other. We were able to sense each other's moods, after one look I knew what he was thinking about and so did he. Even at a distance I knew if something was ok or not.
It was often the case that I wanted to call him, and he would call me at the time. Or I wanted to tell him about something, and he told me exactly the same thing. It was great in every way. He often said that we formed a unity, and in fact, as we slept together and he hugged me, I felt that I was in the right place, that nothing else mattered.
Sex was also the best ever. Once we experienced such ecstasy that physical pleasure faded into the background and we were like somewhere else, connected to each other. He had the same feeling and we talked about how strange it was.
We had a very deep closeness, love, trust. We did not know how to part even for 1-2 days. We were drawn to each other. We were both numerological 11, this number was somehow important in our lives. He was 11 years older, even the number in my diary was 11. Our parents' birth and death dates crossed. Everything was strange.
I had the feeling that time was rushing by, that I had to make the most of every moment with him because we had little time. I didn't know why, but I still felt it.
Finally, on February 28 after 3 years of relationship he died. From pancreatic cancer, in one month. We didn't know he was ill until the end. He was with me at home almost to the end, the last 24 hours in the hospital. He was dying by my side at home, we spent the last night together, I hugged him and felt HUGE love. In the morning he was taken by ambulance for life-saving surgery.
I, at the time, was at home with my son. At one point I felt that my life was ending, that I should die. At that time he was being operated on and the doctors said he was dying. And I felt it, without knowing from where.
Now I'm reading various books about the hereafter, hypnosis, esoterica. I think I see signals from him. I am grieving, but strangely calm. I am looking for answers. I came across the concept of the twin flame and I wonder if this is it. All in all, I feel it was Him, but I would like evidence, although I know it is impossible....
Could he have been my twin flame?
Of course it is.
You proved it to yourself in this post. You yourself feel it. You yourself thought that he could be such a person for you.
So in my opinion as much as possible, no one will confirm it more than you with your experience.
@pajeczyna Thanks a lot for your quick response and help 🙂 Thanks a lot