I'm setting up this thread to gather information on dishonest ritualists. I ordered from the fairy Angelika, so far I have no changes and from what I read it is unlikely to get them.
Słynna wróżka Pailina Nowicka. Rytuał nie działa, za wzmocnienie chce dodatkowe pieniądze. Odradzam.
I also had at Angelika and unfortunately did not live to see the results.
Julia Koppel - attention to her, ineffective.
Has anyone heard of the witch Sandra? How about her effectiveness?
Ritualist Asmodeus - expensive and without results.
Do you have any idea how to know which ritualists are scammers and which can be trusted?
@olenka Maybe in this thread we will gather all the dishonest magicians so that others will have it easier.
Note to Julia Koppel.
Paulina Nowicka, rytuał nie działa a na jej stronie nie można dodać żadnej negatywnej opinii. Spróbowałam z innego maila dodać pozytywną, przeszła po paru minutach. Widać że ktoś za tym stoi.
@beaix Też u niej robiłam, nic nie zadziałało. Zapłaciłam za dodatkowe wzmocnienie i w ogóle nic nie ruszyło. Jestem miesiąc po rytuale u rytualisty Bartka póki co bez zmian.
I did the ritual at Asmodeus, it did not work.
@klaudia0z And what ritual did you have? I ask because I was also considering a ritual with this gentleman.
@beaix I had a black wedding. I don't know about others but in my case this one is ineffective.
Does the thread apply only to ritualists or to fairies?
@alina-0 Fairies can be, too. Maybe we can collect as many of them as possible.
And how does the ritualist Alexander fare?
@abandoned To prawda, niestety sama też miałam nieprzyjemną przygodę z tą "wróżką" Pauliną Nowicką. Szukałam wtedy pomocy po rozstaniu i w desperacji natrafiłam na nią.
Wszystko wyglądało bardzo przekonująco - pozytywne opinie, opis rytuałów... Skontaktowałam się z wróżką Pailiną i po krótkiej rozmowie zapewniła mnie, że wszystko zostanie naprawione, że on zrozumie swoje błędy i wróci do mnie.
Like you, I had to pay a considerable sum to have a "special ritual" performed. I waited with hope, but after a few weeks I saw no results. When I tried to contact this psychic again, she suggested a paid enhancement.
I felt cheated and stupid for being fooled by something that now seems so obviously manipulative. I warn everyone not to be fooled by this person.
Dziewczyny, pisałam tu juz raz, czytam teraz Wasze historie i aż mnie ciarki przechodzą! Współczuję Wam strasznie, że dałyście się nabrać tej Paulinie Nowickiej. Ja niestety też mam za sobą podobne doświadczenia, tyle że z innym "specjalistą" od magii - rytualistą Asmodeuszem.
I came across him when I was in a total mess after splitting with my long-time partner. He had left for another, and I was convinced it was due to some kind of bad charm. Asmodeus, with his wise words and promises, seemed to be the only salvation.
He seemingly cleared me of "bad energies," performed a love ritual.... and the effect? None! I only lost a pile of money.
In my case, the ritualist Asmodeus did not help either. Unfortunately.
I also had a ritual at Angelika's and unfortunately, the effects were nil. I don't expect any more changes. I only lost money and time.
Dziewczyny, przestrzegam przed Pauliną Nowicką. Zrobiłam u niej rytuał miłosny i nic się nie wydarzyło. Gdy napisałam, że nie ma rezultatów, zaproponowała dodatkowy płatny rytuał wzmocnienia. Szkoda słów.
Ritualist Asmodeus is also a waste of money. Cosmic prices and zero effects. Has anyone had the opposite, i.e. that it worked? I know that a ritual may not always work, but I see more people like me.
I'm wondering, how do you even protect yourself from such scammers? Maybe there is some way to check their credibility before making a decision?
To the list of ineffective ritualists you can certainly add Julia Koppel. I had a ritual with her and absolutely nothing changed.
@ewal I also tried with Julia Koppel. I was hoping for some results, but I was left with nothing.
Girls, what about the ritualist Alexander? I did a ritual with him a month ago and so far I don't see any results. Does anyone know anything more about his services?
@moniska In my case, the ritualist Alexander did not do anything either. I thought maybe it takes time, but several months have passed and nothing has changed.
Hi, girls! Have any of you heard anything about Paulina Nowicka? I wanted to opt for a ritual with her, but after the experiences you describe, I'd still prefer to check her credibility.
I guess it would actually be good to have some kind of tool or platform to share information about such people. Maybe that would discourage some of them from going further.
In general, the very form of the answer, the form of performance of the ritual and you already know who you are dealing with. In the ritual you should actively participate and be prepared for it by the ritualist also this alone already shows who you are dealing with.
Dziewczyny, czy ktoś z Was spotkał się z Irene Rey? Słyszałam, że również oferuje rituals, ale po wszystkim, co tu przeczytałam, mam duże wątpliwości.
Unfortunately I have not met, she is certainly not the only ritualist if she has bad opinions here who would be able to help you, look for someone who really can and wants to help you
@beaix ja z Pauliną mialem tez NIEprzyjemnosc wspolpracowac, co prawda wspolpraca skonczyla sie na wyslaniu potwierdzenia przelewu. 800zl w plecy-troche boli. Przez takich ludzi pozostali rytualisci cierpia na brak zaufania do nich...
and how does Ritualist Bartek compare to you? anyone used his services?
David - look for knowledgeable people
@dawid99 David, the most popular are certainly Ms. Anna and Mr. Erik, there are a lot of positive reviews and compared to other ritualists those not recommended have very good prices. I, admittedly, am a while after the ritual at Mr. Erik's, but correspondence with him smooth, he writes back very quickly, without too much sweetening. I think Robert Gapinski is also worth a look. I would bet on someone from these three if I were you. They are transparent and very much opinionated.