
Love ritual, con...
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Love ritual, consequences

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What can happen after casting a love charm? I say right away that I do not intend to do this on anyone.

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Browse this forum, it has already been mentioned.

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I don't understand why you need it if you don't want to throw it at anyone.

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When you cast a love charm, sooner or later you will have to pay for it, usually in the least expected way. Besides, such a charm means that your selfish action may forever harm the other person, as you deliberately interfere with his life and energy.

In addition, such sorcery is based on lies and hypocrisy, because it is not true love, but only a manufactured illusion (from the perspective of the other person, of course).

Love charms are most often cast by girls or women who are hurt or in love, using simple arguments - because they want it, because they love it. This attitude irritates me, because they often don't realize that a relationship is formed by two people who must really want it!

I do not say this maliciously, I base these thoughts on my own experience. In the past myself, having no solid arguments, I just said: "because I love him, you don't understand anything!". It's a shame that many ladies don't realize that this person may not care at all.

Look for new beginnings, explore different paths, instead of clinging to the past, as this will only negatively affect your future and well-being.

Every love charm has an element of evil in it, which cannot be fooled or escaped from.

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If the person you are trying to cast a spell on is well protected, the spell can come back to you. True love, characterized by sincerity and authenticity, is the greatest protection for a relationship, acting as an invisible shield. Attempting to disrupt such a relationship can cause the spell to rebound and return with various negative consequences, such as lack of success in love, short-lived relationships or toxic relationships.

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Some people are most sensible about their feelings. It has ended, so you have to move forward, disregarding the fact that someone is leaving with love in their heart; it doesn't matter to that person. It's hard for me to say what to call it, and whether such behavior is something ordinary....

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Love acutely of all eternal things lasts the shortest. Everyone has the right to happiness, and our partners are not our property! It is necessary to get rid of selfishness. There are people who think differently, you hear all sorts of stories that sometimes just shock you.... Obsessive jealousy, strict control, giving up one's life.... Some people in relationships behave as if they are not dealing with a human being, but a mere doll.

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Unfortunately, I went through such a nightmare, where it was the most important person for me, systematically destroyed me day after day. Probably the worst thing at such moments is to close the door and start functioning normally. The worst thing is to understand at all, what is really happening. Very often the victim does not see the problem for a long time. It takes great strength, but also inner courage to see the problem and resist.

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Why cast some love charms? The same thing when we reject someone - we also have the right to do so. A woman left me after 5 years. I took care of her, I didn't beat or yell at her. I would like to be with her, because I love her strongly, but she doesn't want to listen. I am even thinking about charms ... I want us together, because I feel in my soul that we have found each other, but she does not want to listen.

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Consider not the charms, but the fact that your ex, in addition to some unpleasant character traits for you, may simply be sick. And secondly, you need to know that the fault is always on both sides. Maybe she just has quite different needs than you see and just had enough of something in your relationship. In general, the romance disappears after a while and the gray everyday life begins.

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Things also happened differently in my relationship. My partner sometimes gave me a hard time with his behavior. I also thought us love charms in moments of already nervous exhaustion, but I gave up. My partner told me at first that I didn't understand him. I thought these were his post-divorce problems, and it turned out he was suffering from Asperger's Syndrome.

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I heard that supposedly in the next incarnation you have to make up the karma of love for casting such a "charm".

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@czulu That is, what specifically? What is "love karma"? Because you see, while the consequences of casting a love charm can be observed in current life, it seems to me that "love karma" is just a theory.

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@bryza I, for one, believe that all karmic theories need to be thought through, because too much is said about something you have no idea what it really is.

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Remember that casting a charm is incapacitating the other person, which means that although the reasons may be beautiful we are doing harm to the other person for which the consequences will have to be paid. Magic but not charms

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I have a friend who cast a charm on a certain person. It didn't work out, and now his life is going badly. Relationships don't work out for him and everything related to love ends badly, and he has terrible luck. Admittedly, I don't know if it's the fault of the cast and failed charm or not, but it all happened right after he did it.

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I know a girl who cast a love charm on her boyfriend. They were together for a while, but it wasn't that.... He was kind of absent, interested only in sex. In the end she left him herself, because she couldn't stand the artificiality.

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@lady This is exactly what I am talking about! A love charm does not create real love, but an illusion, an emotional prison. This is manipulation and violation of free will.

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Hello everyone. I am here for the first time and I am brought by the rather common topic of ,, love,, . I would like to find out if a love charm has been cast on me . I have indications of this . How to do it , who to go to with this question , who can help . Thank you in advance

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There are ritualists who will unbind charms and, above all, they will help you check if you are under the influence

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@przemo1000 It's good that you ask because that's what it's all about to be sure what is causing the discomfort. There are plenty of profiles here, search because not every ritualist is a scammer although for some people in the Internet sphere it has become a way to make easy money, no less there are also honest people

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Posted by: @hellan

This is exactly what I am talking about! A love charm does not create real love, but an illusion, an emotional prison. This is manipulation and violation of free will.

But if it's just an illusion, why are you talking about the consequences? After all, it can't have a real impact on life, right?


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@galia If it is done by a person who has the understanding and enough energy to properly perform the ritual whether with the summoning of foreign entities or not, but who has the knowledge, practice and ability, it is not an illusion and has an impact on real life.

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Posted by: @galia

But if it's just an illusion, why are you talking about the consequences? After all, it can't have a real impact on life, right?

Unfortunately, it has. Energy follows thought, and intention has great power. Even if the charm effect is temporary, it disrupts the natural order of things. It's like stepping into a river and changing its course. You may succeed for a while, but the river will still return to its bed, and you may be swept away by the current.

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It works both ways. The person who casts the charm is also subject to negative consequences. He or she may lose energy, become depressed and even get sick.

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What about those stories about bouncing charms? Is it true that they can return to the sender?

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@sara20 Yes, it is possible, especially if the person on whom the charm was cast has strong energy protection or is surrounded by the love of loved ones. Then the charm can bounce like a ball off the wall and hit the one who sent it.

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I know of a case where a girl cast a charm on a boyfriend who was in a happy relationship. The charm didn't work, and she began to have health problems. Doctors could not find the cause of her ailments. It was only after talking to a bioenergotherapist that it turned out to be the result of the charm rebound.

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@kolchasta That's why it's important to think carefully about the consequences before deciding to do any magic. Magic is not fun, it is a powerful tool that should be used with care and respect.

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Czyli lepiej w ogóle nie bawić się w magię miłosną? A co z rytuałami na przyciągnięcie miłości, bez wskazywania konkretnej osoby? Czy one też są niebezpieczne?
