Hey. Have any of you had the Phoenix ritual done? Did you have the effects? How long did you wait for them? Is it worth repeating it?
I had one at Mr. Robert's. It works.
@piotrek After how long did you have the effects? Are you all right now? Feel like sharing your story?
@s-m On this large forum I contribute more, there you can find my posts and all my hostory. Overall, it's a lot of writing.
@piotrek Just tell me how long you waited for the results ... I am in the process and my partner today loves me tomorrow hates me. Today I want to be with me, tomorrow not. He keeps coming back to the past and to the betrayal ... I'm afraid it won't settle down for him.
Paulina Nowicka, because I ordered from her. There are no effects with her.
@s-m I started the ritual in April, in the meantime changes began to appear. Everything went so gradually. Now we are officially. Together.
For the phoenix ritual is as much as possible Mr. Robert.
@nula How long to wait for the results, I also intend to order this ritual from Mr. Robert.