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Robert Gabinski rituals

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@dusia1569 I think so, it has to come from somewhere 🙂

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I today start a mirror ritual, I want to attract my good friend to me. He once tried to get close to me but I rejected him and now I regret it. Other rituals In other people they did not work so I hope that Mr. Robert will help me.

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@beladonna AND who have you done rituals with before?

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Hi, I am now in the middle of an Egyptian ritual. A month ago I separated from my partner and I miss contact with her a lot. The breakup was because of our arguments. I hope the ritual will help mend our relationship.


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I am in the middle of a phoenix ritual. I noticed that I am calmer, more focused. Have any of you had the same?

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@mardo I have a mirror ritual and the first day after waking up I felt an overwhelming peace. I feel it rather until now. For the first week I could sleep for days

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I had the phoenix ritual and it worked for me! 😊 After months of trying, everything worked out. Unexpectedly I received a message from him "how are you?". My heart beat harder as I read it 🙂 After a few messages we moved on to a conversation on the phone where we gently touched on the subject of separation.

We met later at our favorite coffee shop. The conversation was frank. I promised to work on my jealousy, he on his openness. We spent more and more time together. Eventually we decided that we wanted to get back together. I am very grateful for this second chance, I am full of hope for the future! 💖

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Hey, I have a question 

I had an Egyptian done with Mr. Eric, it ended on 09.12, which is more than a week ago, however, I admit, I screwed up and I know it myself. I spoke first to my partner, the conversation was nice, he scolded me, however, that was the end of it. Mr. Eric wrote that this can negatively affect the ritual, I fully understand this, however, I have completely lost hope... do you think I can order strengthening and separation from Mr. Robert? 
despite the fact that it's only been a week since the completion of the ritual from Mr. Eric, I'm very afraid that with the fact that I spoke up I destroyed everything.... 

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@daisy Well that's right.Here patience has great power. Ask a ritualist

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I ordered the phoenix ritual and the separation ritual. It's been two weeks since they started. I heard that my ex-partner and his current girlfriend are starting to not get along, once he even slept at his friend's house. I hope this is a sign.

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@amanada how is the situation with you ?

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@dusia1569 My ex and his new girlfriend are supposedly going through a crisis and want to break up. Sometimes she will write something to me. I am waiting for them to break up because all these problems are because of her.

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My ex wrote to me lamenting that with this new girlfriend of his a is not going well. And in general that he wonders if he did the right thing with our breakup. The rituals are slowly starting to take effect. I am patiently waiting further.

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@amanada In my case everything worked out, we are officially together. Everything started working quickly, I waited a few weeks for the results.

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@zofia21 My sincere congratulations! I, too, can speak of considerable progress. We decided to repair our relationship. Not at once, with small steps. This is a lot of progress, someone could say that my struggle is already over. I, however, look forward to the moment when we live together as we did before the breakup.

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How long does the fatigue and lack of concentration last? I'm talking about the mirror ritual.


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@plomka I had a phoenix, and for a couple of weeks I felt somehow so strangely irritable.

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four weeks since I started the phoenix ritual, marta unblocked me on fb I think it's a good sign although I don't write to her yet she doesn't write to me either

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There is more and more progress. Last night we saw each other. It was nice.

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I had a phoenix ritual with Mr. Robert, back in November. The effects started to appear in early January so I waited a bit. It started with a message from him, then a meeting. The breakthrough was the weekend we spent together. I hope I can finally talk about success.

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@wiceline1 In my case egyptian ritual He passed the test. The girl wants to try again. I recommend Mr. Robert, my struggle is over.

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Hi everyone! A girl finally wrote, but briefly and from a distance. Every step forward counts so I'm a little encouraged that something has moved after all. Anyone has advice on how to develop these conversations without overdoing it?

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We spent another weekend together. He said I was important to him that he wanted us to be together. He said there was room for me in his apartment and I could move in with him. I ended a period of long struggle.

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In my case after phoenix also everything worked. I recommend.

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Eventually we decided to be together. It was an unforgettable moment when we told each other that we wanted to try again. The Phoenix ritual worked, to Mr. Robert I will be grateful to the end of my life.

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@Mardo then welcome to the club, congratulations!

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Welcome! Our conversations have turned into meetings, everything is going really nicely. I'm surprised how much can change with a ritual. I strongly believe that everything will work out well.

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Which is better, the mirror ritual or the phoenix ritual?

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@Sasanka It depends on the situation, write to Mr. Robert he will advise.

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@Sasanka And what is your situation?

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@Amanada We were with our boyfriend for two years, three months ago we broke up.

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In my case, the situation is as follows: during the last meeting the guy seemed much more committed but I still have the feeling that something is holding him back. Sometimes I feel we are on the right track, and other times it's like something is stuck. I wonder if I should take the initiative or leave everything in his hands. Have any of you been in a similar situation and what is your advice?

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@Beladonna It seems to me that you should not pressure him. What kind of ritual did you have?

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@Misiek I had a mirror ritual. I would like to give him all the initiative but he is very hesitant. Maybe the ritual will still change something, I will have to be patient.

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Finally, I decided to be honest. I asked him how he felt about our relationship. He said he felt there was chemistry between us, but he was worried about getting involved. He revealed to me that he was struggling with insecurities related to his past. This was a turning point for me. What should I do in this situation?

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@Beladonna In time it will open on its own, you can't push it.

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I have this situation: with the girl we were two years, at first everything was good, in the meantime we even lived together. Here, after a while, the stairs began because we began to quarrel. He thought that from time to time quarrels in a relationship are normal. However, we started talking to each other less and less, she meanwhile started sitting more and more on the phone. Later it turned out that she had met someone. When I found out (by accident), she made a big brawl with me, at first she denied that it was just a friend, but after a few days of such a thick atmosphere she packed up and moved out. I don't know what's going on with her now, because it happened a few days ago, but I guess that they are with that guy. What ritual do you propose to order in my situation? Mr. Robert can somehow help here?

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@Kroger Write to Mr. Robert he will advise. It seems to me that the phoenix and the separation but he will suggest it himself.

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I ordered a phoenix and a separation. We will see how it goes, Mr. Robert starts today. 

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I had a phoenix ritual, I just got a message from my boyfriend! I was surprised, because after this long time of total silence. I don't know what to write back yet, I'm all shaken up. Do you have any advice?

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