In my case after phoenix there is a lot of progress, I am satisfied.
Starting today I will have a phoenix ritual. Previously I had with another person, no effects appeared, let's hope it will be different now. My situation is unfortunately complicated.
This morning we talked a lot the conversation came down to the relationship. He wrote what he didn't like, but when I asked if now he would like to try again, he said he had been thinking about it a bit lately. Later, as if nothing, he asked if I would like to meet him. We are scheduled for today, I think there is a breakthrough.
@monique Super, I see that Mr. Robert is really effective. I keep my fingers crossed for the meeting 😉 .
To me the ritual worked out, I just met with him and he offered to return on his own.
@monique envy. I, for one, am at the beginning of the ritual, I wish the effects would already appear
Starting today, I will have a phoenix ritual with Mr. Robert.
Hey. I work in a hair salon today came the one I ordered a ritual for, and he knows exactly where I work. I panicked, a colleague served him, I waited in the back room. Could this "visit" of his be indicative of some effects already?
Things have been getting better between us for a few days. Sam dared to contact me. We wrote a little, then he came to me, in the living room, and we talked quietly.
Hey. I have been having a mirror ritual with Mr. Robert since Saturday. Can you say something about your experience with this gentleman 🙂 .
Hey. I had a phoenix ritual, there is a big change. We started dating a boy, everything is going nicely.
I recommend Mr. Robiert. He performed the phoenix ritual for me, I already have quite a few changes.
Listen, I am after the Phoenix ritual. It is really good. Success is not there yet, but between what it is and what it was there is a huge difference.
Can anyone comment on the mirror ritual? I am supposed to have it done starting today.
At my place after the phoenix ritual a lot of things are happening. We started dating, plus she asked me for a favor - it was about fixing a certain thing. I feel that this brought us even closer together. This ritual really works, you can see it very clearly.
Keep your fingers crossed for me, from today I'll have the phoenix's rhythms 🙂
I recommend Mr. Robert, especially the phoenix ritual.
I too am an Egyptian and separation ritual. I had a bad situation, I took a risk and went into magic.... It paid off, even though it's been a few days since the Egyptian ended, and the separation one ends tomorrow, I already have tangible results!!! You have to believe!!!
S.M be patient, sometimes you need more time, and maybe you need another rit? Try with Mr. Eric.... as for me he is a Miracle Worker.... sincerely recommend.
Wspomnę tylko, że ja trochę pomogłam szczęściu i nie stosowałam się w %100 do ogólnych zasad które tu krążą.
One must believe and wait patiently....
Starfka In what way did you help happiness. This ritual is at Mr. Eric Mozgol did you do?
In my case there are also effects after r. phoenix. I look forward to seeing more.
I also recommend. I had the mirror ritual, it worked.
After four years of relationship, my partner pulled away from me and I found out that he was with another. I tried various rituals until I finally came across the effective Mr. Robert, whose rituals They made the partner come back and apologize. Now we have been together for two months and everything is fine.
I had phoenix with this gentleman and we have been writing to each other since yesterday. Contact appeared already a few days ago but he wrote back after a long time. Now it is better.
@kawka AND did you feel anything during the ritual? I'm also wondering about him....
For me, the phoenix ritual worked, I wholeheartedly recommend it. However, I waited a bit for the results. I ordered at the end of July. Currently, my partner and I are together again.
Has anyone had a mirror ritual recently and will write how things are going for them now? I will have this ritual starting today.
From what I have seen on another forum there is a high effectiveness of this ritual. I am also wondering.
I have another question.I am in the middle of the Egyptian ritual and unfortunately there was a quarrel between me , and my partner. Do you think I can still count on the results?
@lumiya I had the mirrors, rather I can say that it worked 🙂 I have had the mirrors, rather I can say that it worked 🙂 I have had the mirrors.
I am writing after a couple of weeks and I have good news. The ritual worked, we are together 🙂 .
In early October, I had a phoenix ritual with Mr. Robert. He had separated from me four months before I ordered the ritual, we had been together four years. He found comfort with another. Yesterday he called me drunk, began to apologize and said that with that one he had separated. I told him that we would talk when he sobered up. What do you guys think about this?
At my place after the mirror ritual there are changes, for now we have regained contact. So something is starting to work.
@lumiya and who initiated the contact ? How much no contact have you had since the breakup ?
@marlena wonderful 🙂 how long has it been since the beginning of the ritual when you regained contact ?
@dusia1569 I ordered the ritual at the end of October then it was two weeks since the separation. Except that we were together for a short time because a month.
The beginning of contact after the ritual was that he started to like my photos, then commented on them. Then I reached out to him and a while after that I wrote back. Now we have contact on such a basis that for now we write. More and more.
Hi, I decided to do the phoenixaz ritual with my former partner we were together for almost 5 years but we separated, she started dating someone else. So far I'm in the middle of it, but I have to admit that since I started the ritual I'm having trouble concentrating and I feel a bit sleepy. I hope to see results soon.
@lumiya In my case also similar. But relationship 9 months and also 2 weeks after the breakup I have performed. Now I'm slowly regaining energy but those first 5 days were hard because I was terribly sleepy and this is due to the ritual. Since a lot of us have such symptoms ie. That these rituals work and energy works for us
I have had a ritual with this gentleman since yesterday. Before that I had with other people and no effects appeared.