Hi everyone! I've been reading a lot about love magic lately, especially about these "restorations". I find it a bit so uninteresting I'll admit honestly. All these stories about karmic consequences, illnesses and even death. Is it really that dangerous?
On the one hand, it's tempting to be able to "bring back" a loved one, but on the other hand.... well, just those side effects.
The topic of "restorations" is indeed complex and, unfortunately, often presented in a sensationalized and exaggerated way. Yes, there are some risks, but without exaggeration. First of all, it is crucial to understand that "restoration" is an attempt to manipulate the will of another person. And this, as we know, rarely ends well.
@wiciol So is it always wrong? There are no situations where such "restoration" would be acceptable?
@arkania Let's say that the Universe has its own plans and interfering with them may have consequences. But there is no definite answer to your question. It depends on many factors, intentions, method, and even on the very people involved in the "restoration."
You know, from what I was taught by the person at whom I had a love ritual, I can tell you that it depends on the sincerity and purity of your intentions towards that person is one thing, and two is the question of how you want to use this ritual because if it is to be a form of manipulation and not require any action on your part, then certainly the consequences are possible.
What if someone is not familiar with cards or runes? Should he or she then not be involved in love magic at all?
Raczej nie powinien bo wielu rytualistow na poczatek pyta karty lub runy. By wykonać dobrze rytuał potrzeba naprawdę sporej wiedzy więc albo poświęcamy dobre kilka lat by ją zgłębić, albo korzystamy z usług człowieka który już takową posiada i będzie potrafił nas wprowadzić w arkana. Ja korzystałem z usług człowieka bo nie miałem tyle czasu by zgłębić wiedzę na tyle by móc samemu, a jako laik nie warto tracić czas na coś czego nie zrobi się poprawnie.
@argos Or worse, will he do the restoration on his own, using some ritual found on the Internet? After all, such "charms" are available to everyone....
The Internet is a bottomless pit, you will find there both valuable information and complete nonsense. Therefore, it is important to use reliable sources and not take hasty action.
@bryza Exactly. Magic is not fun and requires responsibility and reason. "Restoration" may "bring back" to you a loved one, but will it be the same person? Will his feelings be authentic? Or will he become an emotional wreck, dependent on you and unable to function independently?
Love magic is like a knife - you can cut bread with it, but you can also do harm. That is why it is so important to use it with caution and full awareness of the consequences.
@czulu Great and to the point, that's why it is so important to choose the right ritual in the sense of the right one in the form or invocation or charm because these are two different things and potential effects. I go on the assumption that here it is worth advising a person who has the appropriate knowledge and practice.
And what about this karma? Does it really weigh on the descendants until the seventh generation?
Karma is the restoration of the balance of the universe - remember that it comes back three times the question of how much you do wrong so will be cruel. The problem is that it comes back at the least expected moment to be as they say.... on point
@daneczka It is a myth. Karma is not revenge, but the law of cause and effect. If we upset the balance of the Universe, we will suffer the consequences, but they will not necessarily affect our descendants.
Czyli jeśli zrobię "przywrócenie" z dobrymi intencjami, to nic mi nie grozi?
@leonora Nie do końca. Nawet najlepsze intencje nie usprawiedliwiają manipulacji drugą osobą. Pamiętaj, że każdy ma prawo do wolnej woli i samodzielnego podejmowania decyzji.
A co jeśli ktoś rzuci na mnie "przywrócenie"? Jak się przed tym bronić?