@Dundan I was two months with my boyfriend - I know, short. He started to pull away and eventually left. I would like to get him back.
Tomorrow I have the last day of the ritual, the emotions have subsided a little, for two days I can sleep normally. At least I can normally funkcnjonate 🙂
Give advice on how to deal with lack of concentration. I've had this since yesterday, today I got up and don't know what's going on.
@starfinder and what was the situation with you,I am new here and so I am reading,I hope it will help me,because I have decided to go Egyptian,with me is the situation that we were almost three years my woman fought for me,I loved her but I could not show it now she has left and jammed that forever,although I believe that we can fix and give her what she deserves.It is possible that after one session I have a headache and I am shaking all the time?
@Dundan I don't think there is any advice for this. It occurs in most people and you just have to go through it. I had the same thing, it's better with me now.
@Magda.k I worship. But the worst part is that it's hard for me to even work.
I just ordered egyptian ritual. I made a stupid mistake because of which my husband moved out and is talking about divorce. Two weeks ago. I regret it very much but he does not want to be convinced. In the ritual my last hope.
Hello , tomorrow I am completing the Egyptian ritual.
How your situations
Hello, I am during the Egyptian ritual, in the evenings I have a headache maybe not badly and tonight I had various dreams rather good ones in which there was also my former woman whom I want to get back, I also felt like I was being thrown around while I was sleeping, did you have similar symptoms?
Finally, we are together again! After a couple of meetings and conversations, the girl agreed to try again. I'm mega happy and I know that I have to change for the better. She doesn't want to mess it up again, you know what I mean Keep your fingers crossed that it will be good
The Egyptian ritual worked out. It started with my partner texting me, we started talking that way, eventually we met. At first the meeting was a bit tense, we did not know how to behave. After that, the contact stopped for a while, however, he began to write to me himself about a few days. And he proposed another meeting which was yesterday. He said he would like to try again. I agreed, of course. I'm glad it all worked out.
On Sunday I had the end of the ritual, today I woke up after a virtually sleepless night. How long will it last?
@Gertia I felt terribly tired, as well as unable to concentrate on anything, but that was during the ritual itself.
- I have pain and dizziness every morning and in the evening it hurts constantly sometimes through the sleep I kind of have my head wired up
@krzysztof-82 After those three weeks, contact returned. That allowed me to function somehow. And those three weeks were a constant uncertainty about whether anything would move at all.
Can there still be a headache a few days after the ritual is over?
@krzysztof-82 I have a big fluctuation and also I am already after the ritual. I don't know how long such a thing can last.
The ex wrote and asked can we talk. I am surprised, some time has passed since the ritual. I wrote back to him that I can talk, I am waiting for his answer now.
Who do you recommend more Robert Gabinski or Erik mozgol ?
Today my ex deleted one of the last mesenger pics she sent me do you guys think it's some kind of badge that she's moving something?
@losha had at that time your partner some strange behavior that you noticed because mine deleted all her messages from mesenger.
How to respond to hesitation in the other person? What I mean is that the boy once wants to write, the other time he wants me to give him a break. Has anyone had a similar situation?
To what time since the end did you have any more symptoms in you,to me still comes such a headache as during the duration and more often such like butterflies in the abdomen and I seem to have a dream every night related to my partner