
What does the person on the...
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What does the person on whom the ritual is performed feel?

Joined: 10 months ago
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Would anyone be able to answer this question? It is, of course, about the love ritual.

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U mnie pojawiły się wahania nastrojów, mam intensywne dreams o chłopaku. Być może on odczuwa to podobnie, tak myślę.

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Posts: 93

As for the effects of these love rituals, there are different feelings depending on the specific case. Some people talk about increased longing for that person, recurring memories and dreams with that person. Others feel a sort of emotion of the other person they cast the charm on.

Conjuring - the sensations are probably even stronger and more intense. But everything depends on the ritual itself, how it is performed and the preparation of the person performing it. Magic itself is quite an unpredictable thing, the effects can vary. 
