Hi everyone! At a friend's house a few days ago I saw - wonderful, handmade! Do you have any experience in this topic? Will you share your tips 🙂 .
Hello @Arkania! We'd be happy to help. 😊 What would you like to make your runes out of? This is quite important, because the technique of making them depends on the material. The simplest are painted on stones, then you just need to varnish them. You can also cut from rowan twigs, but this is a bit more labor-intensive.
@wiciol That's the thing, I don't want to buy ready-made ones. I would like them to be my runes, with my energy, made with heart. 😕 I was thinking about wood, but I don't know what will be the best.
I've been thinking about making my own runes lately too! I found a nice, thick birch branch back in the summer. I think the birch wood will be perfect.
And I would like to make from pebbles! Such ordinary, field ones. Just do not know what is the best to paint symbols on them.
@vinta You can use a waterproof marker to paint the symbols on the stones. 😊 Then just paint the stones with clear nail polish to fix the design.
As for wood, I recommend rowan or yew. Yew is very hard and durable, but it is hard to get because it is under protection. Rowan is more readily available and has cool symbolism.
on stones engrave not make only drawings is one thing, as for the wood is a noble wood or difficult to get, after all, runes should already remain with us forever, and the most beautiful I have seen are made in bone - I myself am now waiting for such - my Christmas gift:)
I somewhere read that it is best to use red paint to paint the runes, because it is associated with Thor.
@daneczka Not really 😉 The color red is actually associated with Thor, but green belongs to Freya and blue to Odin. It's best to use natural dyes.
And is it necessary to load the runes with the four elements?
@leonora You don't have to. 😊 Just making them is already a form of charging. The important thing is to do them with respect and intention.
What do you think, it is possible to make runes from dice? 🤔 I used to do that and they worked quite well.
And what do you think about buying ready-made runes?
@galia You can buy ready-made runes, but it's not the same as made with your own hands. 😊 Handmade runes have your energy and intention in them.