Have any of you had contact with this type of love ritual? I found some information on the Internet about it, but I don't know what to think about it.
Rituals Egyptian is a very broad scope. We are left with certain elements and tools that the magicians of Khem used. Looking for one love ritual with the knowledge only that it is related to Egypt is a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack.
And is Egyptian magic effective? Do I need specific props? Are these rituals difficult to perform?
@arkania These are unfortunately difficult rituals. Years of practice don't guarantee correctness and results; years of PRACTICE guarantee it. Egyptian magic is as effective as possible if you can apply it. There is a reason Mathers wove it into the Golden Dawn practices. And as for props; even a damascus steel blade in the hands of a talentless person won't do much in a fight.
@centa Magic, whether Egyptian or natural, ceremonial, its power, strength or whatever you want to call it, does not depend on the ritual, but on the magician, his practice, his initiation.
And are there any books on Egyptian magic? Because on the Internet on blogs it is everyone in his own way writes.
@oliczka I recommend you the "Egyptian Book of the Dead" and the works of E.A. Wallis Budge. As for websites, you might want to look at discussion forums devoted to esotericism.
What about all those curses of the Pharaohs? Is it true that they work?
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What about all those curses of the Pharaohs? Is it true that they work?
Let's just say that it's better not to underestimate the old Egyptian spells :). Curses can take many forms, from illness and bad luck, to more... spectacular events.
They work, therefore, appeals to specific entities to achieve the goal of the ritual by means of them can be very dangerous and if performed by a person who does not have sufficient knowledge of the subject will certainly have hiccups.
I heard a story about an archaeologist who opened a pharaoh's tomb and died suddenly a few days later. Apparently, there was a curse warning engraved on the wall of the tomb.
@leonora You can use protective amulets, purification rituals or just.... do not enter ancient tombs 🙂
And can Egyptian magic be used for evil purposes?
What do you mean by using an evil beast or for evil purposes ?
Any magic can be used for both good and evil. It depends on the intentions of the magician.
We should remember that every action has its consequences. If we use magic to harm someone, we can expect that evil to come back to us.
@pajeczyna I think that before practicing magic, you need to think about your motivations
Regarding ethics, have any of you heard of the Maat Order?