
Magic of the Stones: Amet...
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The Magic of Stones: Amethyst - Stone of Harmony and Intuition

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Amethyst, with its mesmerizing purple luster, has fascinated and intrigued for centuries. Often referred to as the "stone of spirituality," this stone has the extraordinary power to harmonize, calm and enhance intuition. Discover the magic of amethyst and learn about its secret properties!

Amethyst - A Gem with a Royal History

Amethyst, this enchanting purple gem, is actually a variety of quartz, whose unusual color is the result of the presence of iron in its structure. The very name of the stone hides a fascinating history. It comes from the Greek word "amethystos", meaning "sober". Indeed, in ancient times, amethyst was believed to have the power to protect against alcoholic intoxication, and wearing it was thought to prevent excessive wine consumption.

Not surprisingly, amethyst was held in high esteem among rulers and religious dignitaries. Kings and priests eagerly inlaid their crowns, scepters and rings with it, seeing it as a symbol of power, wisdom and spiritual enlightenment. Amethyst was regarded as a stone of connection with the divine, opening the mind to higher realms and helping to find deep peace of mind.

Amethyst has many interesting properties
Amethyst has many interesting properties

Magical Properties of Amethyst

Amethyst is a true gift of nature to our mind and body. It emanates high vibrations that bring harmony and balance to our lives. Its magical properties have been known and appreciated for centuries.

One of the most desirable qualities of amethyst is its ability to calm the mind. In today's busy world, full of stress and negative emotions, amethyst is like a soothing balm for the soul. It helps release tension, anxiety and worry, putting us in a state of deep relaxation and inner peace. This is why it is often used in meditation practices, as it makes it easier to achieve a state of tranquility and focus.

Amethyst is also a stone of intuition and spirituality. It enhances our natural abilities of extrasensory perception, opening us to messages from higher realms and helping us grow spiritually. It is an ideal stone for working with the third eye chakra, which is responsible for intuition, clairvoyance and connecting with our inner wisdom.

We should also not forget about the protective properties of amethyst. It creates an energetic shield around us, which deflects negative energies and influences from the environment. It also helps to clear the space of negative vibrations, creating a harmonious and safe atmosphere in our home or workplace.

In lithotherapy, or stone healing, amethyst is used to relieve various physical ailments. It helps with headaches, insomnia and concentration problems. It also strengthens the immune system and aids the body's detoxification processes.

Rituals with Amethyst

Magic energy amethyst is perfect for various rituals and spiritual practices, helping to strengthen intentions and deepen experiences. Here are some suggestions on how to use this remarkable stone:

Meditation with amethyst:

During meditation, amethyst can become your precious ally. Hold it in your hand and feel its smooth surface and cool energy. You can also place it on your third eye chakra, just above your eyebrows, to enhance your intuition and deepen your state of relaxation. Focus on the violet glow of the stone, let it clear your mind of intrusive thoughts and put you in a state of deep peace.

Clearing the space:

Amethyst is also a powerful tool for cleansing a space of negative energies. Just place it in the room you want to harmonize, such as your bedroom, living room or study. The stone will absorb negative vibrations, creating an aura of peace and balance. You can also prepare amethyst water by putting the stone in a pot of water for several hours. Then spray the room with it, visualizing how the negative energies dissolve and disappear.

Strengthen your intuition:

If you want to strengthen your intuition, wear jewelry with amethyst or keep it with you in your pocket or purse. The stone will act as an antenna, enhancing your extrasensory perception abilities and helping you make the right decisions. You can also put the amethyst under your pillow before bed to remember your dreams and easier to read their symbols.

To whom is Amethyst Dedicated?

Although amethyst is a stone of universal energy that anyone can use, there are some people for whom its vibration will be particularly supportive. If you were born under the sign of Pisces, Sagittarius, Aquarius or Capricorn, amethyst can become your precious talisman on the path of life.

Fish: Sensitive and intuitive Fish will find in amethyst support for their spiritual abilities and emotional balance. It will help them cope with excess stimuli and protect them from negative energies.

Sagittarius: Sagittarians seeking knowledge and deeper meaning will appreciate amethyst for its ability to open the mind to new perspectives and enhance intuition. This stone will support them in their journeys, both physical and spiritual.

Aquarius: Independent and innovative Aquarians will find in amethyst an ally in realizing their ideas and visions. The stone will help them keep their minds clear and focused on their goals, and protect them from energy depletion.

Capricorn: Ambitious and disciplined Capricorns will find in amethyst support for their perseverance and determination. This stone will help them overcome obstacles, maintain emotional balance and achieve success.

Amethyst also resonates with two important chakras: the crown and the third eye. The crown chakra, located at the top of the head, is the center of our connection to the divine and higher spiritual realms. Amethyst helps open this chakra, enhancing our intuition, wisdom and spiritual enlightenment. The third eye chakra, located above the eyebrow, is responsible for our intuition, clairvoyance and ability to perceive beyond the senses. Amethyst helps activate and harmonize this chakra, enhancing our intuitive abilities and helping us read signs and messages from the Universe.

Interesting facts about Amethyst

  • In addition to its energetic properties, amethyst is also rich in interesting stories and symbolism that have grown up around it over the centuries. Here are some fascinating facts about this purple gem:
  • Security against black magic: In ancient Rome, amethyst was considered a powerful protective amulet. It was believed to have the power to ward off black magic, evil spirits and negative energies. It was worn as a talisman to provide safety and protection from misfortunes.
  • A symbol of humility and repentance: In Christianity, amethyst took on the symbolic meaning of humility and repentance. It was often used to decorate religious objects such as crosses, chalices and bishop's rings. The purple color of amethyst symbolized humility and repentance, and the stone itself was said to remind people of the need for spiritual purification and conversion.
  • February's Birthstone: Amethyst is the official birthstone of people born in February. It is believed to bring them luck, protection and spiritual support. Jewelry with amethyst is the perfect gift for February birthday celebrants to remind them of their inner strength and beauty.


Amethyst, with its mesmerizing purple luster, is much more than just a beautiful stone. It is a powerful ally on the path of spiritual development, offering us its support in finding harmony, inner peace and connection to the higher realms. Its energy calms the mind, strengthens intuition and helps us open up to messages from the Universe.

Reach for the amethyst and experience its magical power. Carry it with you, meditate with it, or maybe create a home altar out of it? Let its subtle vibrations put you in a state of deep relaxation and help you discover your inner wisdom. Amethyst is a stone that reminds us of our connection to something greater than ourselves, our spiritual nature and infinite potential. Discover its magic and begin your journey toward inner harmony and spiritual awakening.

Joined: 4 months ago
Posts: 20

Interesting article. I have always been curious about this stone, the purple color is so.... magical. Do you think it is true with this protection against drunkenness? 

Joined: 5 months ago
Posts: 55

@vinta In ancient times, a lot of things were believed in that we find hard to explain rationally today 😉 Amethyst was indeed associated with sobriety, but I think it was more about "sobriety of the mind" and protection against loss of self-control, rather than literally alcohol. Although, who knows, maybe there is something to it.... 😉

Joined: 4 months ago
Posts: 47

I read this article and wonder if it's all true with these magical properties? 

Joined: 4 months ago
Posts: 59

Magic is a very broad concept. If you approach it skeptically, it's no wonder you have doubts. But amethyst indeed has a very soothing energy. Try meditating with it, hold it in your hand, feel its vibrations. It may surprise you.
