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Twin hours, repeating numbers

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Hi everyone. I have such a strange problem and would like to share it with you.

For some time now I have been seeing the same numbers everywhere, especially on the clock. Every day I wake up, for example, at 11:11 a.m. At first this didn't bother me, but now it's getting worse, because I see these repeating numbers several times a day. I thought it was a coincidence, but it started to get weird already. E.g. when I want to write to a colleague, and he was last online at 19:19 or 04:04. Or I get a message from someone at 4:16 p.m. etc. Everywhere these damn repetitions - ads, numbers, everything assaults me with them. I'm starting to feel stalked, because it can't be a coincidence. Something is at work here, but I don't know what. Maybe some of you have also had this or have a logical explanation? I'd appreciate any hints because I'm starting to freak out.


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You can treat this phenomenon of repeating numbers in different ways:

As some kind of eso awakening and look for messages from angels or other supernatural forces. Or numerologically - that this number tells you something, draws your attention to something important, depending on what exact combinations are repeated.

Psychologically, this could be a signal from your subconscious that you have some problem or issue that you are not paying attention to, but should.

But it could be that it's just the way it is, and there's no need to look for any deeper meanings in it. Because once you start picking up such repeating numbers, later the subconscious will pick them up on its own on clocks, license plates, tickets and so on. It doesn't necessarily have to be some kind of clue or message.

If you want to know what this could mean, then first think about yourself - what you want, what's bothering you at the moment, what you would like to change. And only later check what is written about it on the Internet. Because otherwise you might just get manipulated.

I once read that it's the angels who speak, but I don't believe it very much, because it's calculated from numerology. But let it be that angels hehe.

It can also be translated auguratively for a joke.

I do, but I don't take it as any kind of guidance, because it's not relevant to my life, even after thinking everything through.

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I didn't find any connection between these repeating numbers and my life either. I didn't even try too hard to look for the explanations Kremilek mentioned. I just took a look at the numerological meaning of these numbers, but since I don't see a clear connection, I pounced on the subject.

For me, a meaningful connection is such a hint, advice or warning that has a significant bearing on my situation. But since I can't find a meaningful connection between these numbers and each other, it's appropriate to just ignore them. Especially since I see various recurring combinations, not some one, two or three nonstop numbers.

Anyway, if I really wanted to look for some messages, I would find them literally everywhere. So it's better not to draw hasty conclusions.

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For me, such repeated numbers do not matter much, as long as they do not occur very often. What I mean is that it probably happens to everyone from time to time to notice such repetitions on the clock or anywhere else. Single such situations can at most draw our attention for a while, but nothing else.

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Does anyone perhaps know what the number 14 could mean?

Because for probably 20 years now, I've been running into it nonstop. I have situations all the time where I glance at my watch and there's 2:14 p.m. Or I go and look at the frame number, and there's 14. This number keeps happening to me in different situations.

And when it comes to the time, sometimes it's even more strange - for example, I'm just walking down the street, and a billboard just happens to display 2:14 pm.

I can't find anywhere what the damn 14 could mean. But I can't believe it's just a coincidence since she's been haunting me for so long.

Maybe one of you has some deeper knowledge and can tell me what this message could be? Because I have a hard time believing that these are just coincidences.

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I have a similar situation as you, except that in my case the number 11 appears.

It started with me about 13 years ago, that's when I started paying attention to her, and then everything in my life began to change, everything accelerated.

It was a complete 180-degree turnaround for me. You could say that it was the announcement of a huge transformation in my life. Like an announcement that I would open up to the spiritual realm.

It was something like activating the hidden possibilities in me that are related to spirituality.

Now I have such days that this eleven keeps happening to me. It's like there are hints, clues to things that are important, things I'm not currently paying attention to.

Maybe in your case the fourteen means something similar? That it is a harbinger of some greater change, spiritual awakening? Surely you will soon find out.

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@milano0404 You're right, it seems there may be something to these repeating numbers. Robert Anton Wilson, in his book Cosmic Trigger, described how he was fascinated by the number 23. His daughters were born on February 23 and August 23, he kept coming across this number in movies, newspapers, and the more he focused on it, the more amazing twists and turns he experienced in his life. His advice was to write down every situation related to this number, because according to his theory, such recurring numbers could be the way the universe communicates with us.

Why not try the same thing with your number 14? Make a note of each time it appears and watch to see if something unusual starts happening in your life. Who knows, maybe it really is some kind of message, a code from the universe that is trying to tell you something. It's worth being attentive and open to such signs.
