Many people consider occultism to be an "immoral" practice. Just ask random passersby, and most of them will probably say that people involved in the occult are immoral people. Where does this misconception come from? People often confuse occultism with black magic and Satanism, while traditions, philosophies and esoteric wisdom are something completely different.
What is morality?
When we talk about morality in the context of occultism, we do not mean dogmatic precepts and prohibitions imposed by religion or society. We do not mean blind compliance with rigid rules, but a deep, inner morality that is an integral part of our being. It's a kind of inner compass that guides our thoughts, words and actions. It's a situation in which our actions are in accordance with our own moral code, harmonizing with natural law, the universe and the principle of "more life for all" rather than "more life for me, less for others." Then we do what is right because we believe in it, not out of fear of punishment from an authority or religious institution.
Moralność może być wrodzona lub rozwinięta. Niektórzy ludzie rodzą się z silnym poczuciem empatii i sprawiedliwości, inni muszą je w sobie kształtować przez całe życie. To proces ciągłego uczenia się, refleksji i samodoskonalenia. W okultyzmie przyjmuje się, że moralność jest niezbędnym fundamentem rozwoju duchowego. U osób, które nie są moralne w najwyższym tego słowa znaczeniu, nie rozwiną się żadne zdolności paranormalne ani inne wyższe moce. Dzieje się tak, ponieważ ezoteryczna wiedza i moce mogą być niebezpieczne w rękach osób nieodpowiedzialnych i egoistycznych. Dlatego tak ważne jest, aby okultyści dążyli do czystości intencji, szlachetności i harmonii z wszechświatem.
Innate vs. dogmatic morality
Istotne jest rozróżnienie między moralnością zgodną z prawem naturalnym a moralnością, której uczy się w szkołach czy instytucjach religijnych. Systemy edukacji i religie różnią się w zależności od kraju i kultury. To, co jest „moralne” w jednym miejscu, może być niemoralne w innym. Nie oznacza to, że jedna kultura jest moralna, a inna nie, ale pokazuje, że moralność dogmatyczna (nawet jeśli jest głęboko zakorzeniona) różni się od moralności wewnętrznej.
Dogmatic morality is based on rigid rules and norms imposed by authorities, such as religion, ideology or the state. It is often associated with a system of punishment and rewards, where "good" behavior is rewarded and "bad" behavior is punished. Innate morality, on the other hand, stems from a deep conviction about what is right and what is wrong, and is based on empathy, compassion and respect for other beings. It is an intuitive morality that guides us in situations where there are no clear rules or guidelines. It is innate morality that is crucial in occultism, as it is what allows us to coexist harmoniously with the universe and use esoteric knowledge ethically and responsibly.
Question your beliefs
We should always question our belief system, asking ourselves: who told me that this is good and this is bad? How do I know this? Do I have evidence, or am I relying on general knowledge, traditions of unknown origin or social norms? Is what I believe to be true today really true, or merely a thought pattern imposed on me by my environment? A critical approach to our own beliefs allows us to free ourselves from limiting dogmas and stereotypes, open our minds to new ideas and broaden our horizons.
Constant questioning of the status quo has made many great scientific discoveries possible. In history, many people, such as Michael Servet and Giordano Bruno, were executed for their discoveries because they defied the norms of the time. The claim that the Earth is not the center of the universe (which we now know to be true) could have led to execution. These courageous thinkers dared to challenge prevailing views, and as a result, they contributed to the development of science and the progress of civilization. Their story shows the importance of maintaining a critical distance from reality and a constant search for the truth.
W kontekście okultyzmu kwestionowanie własnych przekonań jest szczególnie istotne. Ezoteryka to dziedzina pełna tajemnic i nieodkrytych prawidłowości, dlatego nie możemy bezrefleksyjnie przyjmować wszystkiego, co usłyszymy lub przeczytamy. Musimy być otwarci na nowe doświadczenia, ale równocześnie zachować zdrowy sceptycyzm i krytycznie analizować zdobytą wiedzę. Tylko w ten sposób możemy uniknąć błędów i zagłębić się w prawdziwą mądrość okultyzmu.
Occultism and morality in everyday life
Nie chodzi o to, byśmy stali się całkowitymi altruistami i poświęcali całe swoje życie dla dobra innych. Chodzi o „więcej życia dla wszystkich”, gdzie słowo „życie” jest używane w najszerszym znaczeniu. Oznacza to dążenie do kreowania rzeczywistości, w której wszyscy mają szansę na rozwój, spełnienie i szczęście. Nie tylko ludzie, ale również zwierzęta, rośliny i cała planeta. W tej perspektywie moralność przejawia się w trosce o dobro wspólne, współpracy i poszanowaniu wszystkich form życia.
How does this relate to morality in the occult? We will not be accepted in any self-respecting esoteric circle if our morals (or intentions) are questionable. No master of esoteric wisdom will share valuable tacit knowledge with us if they have even a shadow of doubt about our moral code and how this knowledge will be used. This is because occult knowledge is a powerful tool that, in the wrong hands, can be used to manipulate, control and cause harm. This is why esoteric brotherhoods and spiritual schools attach great importance to the ethics and morality of their members.
Prawdziwy okultysta to osoba o wysokim poziomie świadomości i rozwoju duchowym, która kieruje się w życiu zasadami miłości, mądrości i sprawiedliwości. Taka osoba rozumie, że wszystko we wszechświecie jest ze sobą połączone i że każde działanie ma swoje konsekwencje. Dlatego zawsze dąży do tego, aby jej czyny przynosiły korzyści całej rzeczywistości, a nie tylko jej samej.
Morality in practice
When making decisions, we naturally follow our own interests. There is nothing wrong with that. After all, each of us is an individual and has the right to pursue our own needs and goals. However, we should strive to ensure that our decisions (and actions) benefit everyone involved, or at least harm no one. This means taking other people's perspectives into account, as well as the long-term consequences of our actions.
In practice, morality can manifest itself in many ways. It could be honesty in business, helping those in need, caring for the environment or simply being kind to other people. It is important to be aware of our own motivations and strive to ensure that our actions are in line with our internal moral code.
It is also worth remembering that morality is not just a set of rules, but also a process of continuous development. Every experience, every interaction with other people can be an opportunity to deepen our moral reflection and improve our character. Therefore, it is important to be open to new perspectives, learn from our mistakes and constantly strive to be a better person.
Occultism and morality are inextricably linked. True esoteric knowledge is available only to those who are guided by high moral standards in life. Developing inner morality is a lifelong process, but it is worth taking care of because it opens the way to a deeper understanding of oneself and the universe. For spiritual growth cannot be separated from moral development. The more we explore the mysteries of the occult, the more we realize the importance of ethics and responsibility for our actions.
Morality in the occult is not just a set of rules, but first and foremost an internal compass that allows us to navigate the meanders of esoteric knowledge. It is what protects us from the temptation to use this knowledge for selfish purposes and helps us serve the good of all reality. That is why it is so important to constantly work on one's character, develop empathy and compassion, and strive for harmony with the universe.
Let's remember that occultism is not only a search for knowledge and power, but also a path to self-improvement and spiritual enlightenment. And on this path, morality is an essential guide.