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Moon water

Joined: 3 months ago
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Have you heard about the fact that water exposed to the light of the full moon acquires magical properties? It is said to purify, enhance intuition and even heal! I don't know what to think about this myself, but I'm curious if any of you have tried doing this and what were the results?

Joined: 9 months ago
Posts: 18

This is an interesting topic 🙂 In fact, for centuries it has been believed that the moon has an effect on water, and therefore on our emotions and energy. I myself regularly prepare such water and use it to cleanse my space, and sometimes add a few drops to my bath. The key is intention - before exposing the water to the moonlight, it's a good idea to focus on what you want from it.

Joined: 5 months ago
Posts: 81

@bylica Intention can be expressed in various ways - through visualization, meditation, or even writing down your desires on a piece of paper and placing it under a pot of water. I like to add crystals to the water to enhance its effect. Amethyst, for example, enhances intuition, and rose quartz attracts love.

Joined: 12 months ago
Posts: 29

And have any of you tried creating moon water during other phases of the moon? Apparently, the new moon is conducive to new beginnings, and the waning moon helps to get rid of negative energies. I am curious if you have noticed a difference in the effect of the water depending on the phase of the moon.

Joined: 9 months ago
Posts: 20

@Seid, great question! I myself have experimented with different phases of the moon, and I must say that the water from the new moon has a completely different energy - it is more dynamic, stimulating. Perfect for manifesting your goals.

Joined: 5 months ago
Posts: 18

Przepraszam, że się wtrącam, ale jestem tu nowa i kompletnie nie wiem, o czym mówicie. Woda księżycowa? To jakaś magiczna mikstura? Można ją po prostu wypić?
