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Moon water

Joined: 2 months ago
Posts: 11
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Have you heard about the fact that water exposed to the light of the full moon acquires magical properties? It is said to purify, enhance intuition and even heal! I don't know what to think about this myself, but I'm curious if any of you have tried doing this and what were the results?

Joined: 8 months ago
Posts: 13

This is an interesting topic 🙂 In fact, for centuries it has been believed that the moon has an effect on water, and therefore on our emotions and energy. I myself regularly prepare such water and use it to cleanse my space, and sometimes add a few drops to my bath. The key is intention - before exposing the water to the moonlight, it's a good idea to focus on what you want from it.

Joined: 4 months ago
Posts: 74

@bylica Intencję można wyrazić na różne sposoby – poprzez wizualizację, medytację, a nawet spisanie swoich pragnień na kartce i umieszczenie jej pod naczyniem z wodą. Ja lubię dodawać do wody kryształy, które wzmacniają jej działanie. Ametyst na przykład potęguje intuicję, a kwarc różowy przyciąga miłość.
