
Magic - The most important...
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Magic - Highlights

Joined: 3 miesiące ago
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Hi everyone! It seems to me that the topic of magic often leads to misunderstandings, because many people have different ideas about what it actually is. I thought it would be useful to have a thread where we could gather the most important information about magic, its types, basic principles and so on. What do you guys think about it?

Joined: 3 miesiące ago
Posts: 55

Great idea! Magic is a very broad topic, covering a myriad of issues, methods and tools. It would be worthwhile to organize this knowledge and create a place where everyone, regardless of their level, could find something for themselves.

Joined: 3 miesiące ago
Posts: 37

I think we could start by discussing basic concepts such as will, intention, visualization, and then move on to more specific issues such as different types of magic, working with energy, rituals etc.

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Super idea! I, for one, am still a beginner and would love to learn more about cards and rituals. Could you recommend some reliable sources of information?

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Can you tell me something about protection? I would like to know how you can protect yourself energetically.

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@nastie Protective magic is an important aspect of magical practice. We can discuss various techniques, such as creating energy shields, using amulets or performing protective rituals.

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Posts: 27

It is also worth remembering that magic is not only rituals and spells. It is, above all, work on oneself, spiritual development and self-discipline.

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Posts: 38

Could you say something more about the role of intuition in magic? I feel that sometimes I just "feel" what I should do, but I don't know how to interpret these signals.

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And how do you recognize if you have a predisposition to magic? Are there any specific traits or skills that indicate this?

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I wonder if magic can be dangerous? Are there any risks involved in practicing it?

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Posts: 17

And can different types of magic be combined? For example runes With tarot cards?

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Posts: 52

@vinta Wiele tradycji magiczych można ze sobą łączyć, ale ważne jest, aby robić to świadomie i z rozwagą.
