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Magic vs. security

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I'm setting up this topic with the hope that you will share your experiences regarding protection from negative energy, energy vampires and from, hmm, let's say, "undesirable" side effects of working with tarot cards.

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I myself have noticed that after some tarot sessions I feel.... well, as if a little "sucked out". I wonder if it's a matter of the cards, or maybe just a sensitivity to the energies of the people I've been divining. So I'd love to hear what you have to say 🙂 I'd love to hear what you have to say.

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@lady też tak mam. Sama staram się przed każdym rozkładem oczyścić cards i przestrzeń dookoła siebie. Używam do tego białej szałwii i kryształów. Pomaga też wizualizacja ochronnego kokonu. A co do wampirów energetycznych... chyba każdy z nas spotkał na swojej drodze taką osobę, która dosłownie wysysa z nas całą energię. Najlepsza obrona to dystans i asertywność, ale czasem trudno się od takich ludzi odciąć, zwłaszcza jeśli to ktoś z rodziny...

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If we approach the cards with respect and use them for spiritual development, there is no risk of "undesirable" effects. This is my opinion.

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I myself use tarot mainly for self-reflection and meditation. The cards help me better understand myself and my emotions. I have never felt "drained" after such work, on the contrary - charged with positive energy. It's more a matter of how we use them.

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Tarot cards to tylko narzędzie, które może nam pomóc w kontakcie z naszą podświadomością i intuicją. Ważne jest, żeby używać tego narzędzia świadomie i z rozwagą. Ochrona energetyczna jest ważna nie tylko podczas pracy z tarotem, ale w każdej dziedzinie życia. Dbajcie o swoje energie, otaczajcie się pozytywnymi ludźmi i miejscami, a będziecie chronieni przed negatywnymi wpływami.

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@shaman I myself have been practicing various energy protection techniques for years. Meditation, visualization, chakra work, protective stones.... all these help to maintain balance and harmony. Also remember that the best protection is a strong psyche and a positive attitude.

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@barni A strong psyche is fundamental. When we are confident in ourselves and our worth, negative energies have no access to us. It is also worth working on our spiritual development, because the more aware we are of ourselves and our place in the universe, the easier it is for us to deal with various challenges.

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Kochani, nie zapominajmy o prostych rzeczach. Zdrowy styl życia, regularny sleep, kontakt z naturą... to wszystko wpływa na naszą energetykę. Dbajcie o siebie na wszystkich poziomach, a będziecie mieli naturalną ochronę przed negatywnymi wpływami.

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@hellan I agree! Sometimes we forget the basics, yet a healthy lifestyle is the foundation of well-being and strong energy. I would also add from myself that it is also important to take care of your emotions. Negative emotions, such as fear, anger, jealousy, can weaken our aura and attract negative energies. So it's worth working on transforming these emotions into positive ones.

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@betalia I myself noticed that when I was in a good mood, I felt more resistant to negative influences. What do you think about amulets and talismans? Do you carry any?

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I always carry a rock crystal with me. It is my favorite protective stone. It cleanses energy and strengthens the aura. I carry it in my pocket or as a pendant.

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I always carry a rock crystal with me. It is my favorite protective stone. It cleanses energy and strengthens the aura. I carry it in my pocket or as a pendant.

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I have several amulets that I made myself. I use natural materials for this, such as wood, stones, herbs. It is important that the amulet is charged with our intention.

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Amulety i talizmany mogą być pomocne, ale pamiętajcie, że to tylko narzędzia. Najważniejsza jest nasza własna energy i intencja.

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@shaman Exactly. An amulet by itself will not protect us from everything. It is important to consciously work on your energy and spiritual development.

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How about you share specific examples of protective rituals like this? I recently discovered the power of bathing with Himalayan salt and essential oils. I add a few drops of lavender, rosemary and sage to it. This not only cleanses energetically, but also relaxes and relaxes wonderfully.

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@crystal Good idea 🙂 I myself often use baths with salt and herbs. My favorites include chamomile, which calms and harmonizes, and St. John's wort, which has a protective and anti-depressant effect. It's also a good idea to add crystals to your bath, such as amethyst or black tourmaline.

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Ja z kolei uwielbiam rituals z ogniem. Palenie świec z intencją oczyszczenia i ochrony działa na mnie bardzo mocno. Używam do tego głównie białych i czarnych świec, ale czasem też kolorowych, w zależności od potrzeby.

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@betalia How about incense sticks? I often incense my apartment with white sage or palo santo. It's a great way to cleanse the space of negative energies.

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@lady I like incense too! I recently discovered copal and myrrh resins. They have a beautiful fragrance and strong protective properties.

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Kochani, a pamiętacie o mocy wizualizacji? To proste, a jednocześnie bardzo skuteczne narzędzie. Możemy wyobrażać sobie, jak otacza nas białe światło, które chroni nas przed wszelkim złem. Możemy też wizualizować sobie lustrzaną tarczę, która odbija negatywne energie.
