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Mirror love spell

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Mirror love spell

You will need: one round mirror, one fresh rose (or some other sweet-scented flower, such as gardenia, jasmine, lavender, orange, cherry, sweet pea, tuberose, violet, yarrow or peony), two pink candles.
This ritual should be performed at night.
Place the mirror on the table in such a way that you can see your reflection while sitting in a chair in front of it. Charge pink candles with the energy of love and place them in candlesticks on two sides of the mirror (far enough away, however, so that they are not reflected in it), then light them.
Sit comfortably in front of a mirror. Looking into your own eyes, visualize yourself as a loved and loving person, emotionally involved with reciprocity. Take a flower in your hand and, holding it in front of the mirror so that it is reflected on your background, say three times:

Shine, mirror, send your luminous rays,
Reflect the love, which in this flower slumber!

Absorb the love energy from the flower as it reflects in the mirror and runs to you. Feel the transformation within you and be prepared to experience the love you have summoned.
Repeat the entire ritual for at least a week.
