
Love entanglement, e...
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Love entanglement, side effects

Joined: 3 years ago
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You can find a lot of information about love spaying, but nothing about the side effects. Do you have any experience with this issue?

Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 3

I somewhere read that some diseases and misfortunes can occur.

Joined: 1 year ago
Posts: 7

Love entanglement may seem a tempting solution, but it carries serious risks. First of all, manipulating the other person's feelings is unethical and violates their free will. It can lead to a toxic, unhealthy relationship based on coercion rather than genuine feelings.

Dodatkowo, spętania często mają nieprzewidziane konsekwencje. Osoba "spętana" może zachowywać się irracjonalnie lub wbrew swojej naturze, co może prowadzić do konfliktów i cierpienia obu stron. Istnieje też ryzyko, że negatywna energy użyta do spętania odbije się rykoszetem na osobie, która je zleciła.

In the long run, resorting to such methods can block the possibility of establishing an authentic, mutually respectful relationship. Instead of looking for magical solutions, it is better to focus on personal development and building healthy relationships in a natural way.
