I've ordered Egyptian and separation, keep your fingers crossed 🙂 🙂 I have ordered Egyptian and separation, keep your fingers crossed
In my case, after the ritual for a specific person is better, however, I ordered the combination of auras. I hope it will speed up the effects.
@magdaczek I, for one, am eagerly waiting for the end of the ritual and for the results to show up in my place. Give me encouragement 🙂
@Hancia You will see that everything will be fine. All those who had the effects had to wait their time but it's worth it, besides, there's nothing else left 🙂
I just finished egyptian ritual. It has been hard but I am hopeful that I will see some positive results soon. I am trying to be patient, although it is not easy.
@Elsa Waiting is difficult but passable. I keep my fingers crossed for you, let's support each other 🙂 .
@Magdaczek I'm counting every day, it's hard for me to focus on anything. This waiting is difficult. You I see that you already have some results.
Kolejne spotkanie z dziewczyną bylo calkiem fajne. Spedzilismy troche czasu razem, rytualy chyba dzialaja. Czy ktos wie jakie powinny byc kolejne kroki?
U mnie ciągle zmiany, atmosfera między mną a chłopakiem jest o wiele cieplejsza. Łączenie aur zdaje egzamin mimo że dopiero jutro mam koniec.