I have a question, have any of you ever tried a love ritual? I'm wondering if it's better to try it myself or have someone experienced do it, though? I know that the topic has been discussed on the forum many times, but I am curious about your opinions.
I will say this, any ritual that you commission and think you will lie on the couch will not work, you and the ritualist as much as possible. By yourself? If you do not know what you are doing do not try because ... the effect can be the opposite
Love rituals to złożona sprawa. Sama energy uczuć odgrywa tu dużą rolę, więc teoretycznie można by spróbować samemu. Ale z drugiej strony, doświadczony rytualista ma wiedzę i umiejętności, które mogą znacząco zwiększyć szanse.
Kwestia na jaki rytuał skusi się osobnik. Kiedy będzie chciał wysłużyć się bytem i przywoła nie ten co trzeba jest problem. Warto jednak wiedzieć coś na ten temat zamiast dopóki samemu nie dysponuje się praktyką i wiedzą.
Ja też jestem ciekawa, czy te rituals naprawdę działają. Czytałam różne historie, ale trudno mi w to uwierzyć.
@natalie09 I know someone who was helped by a love ritual. 😊 Of course, it's not like someone suddenly falls in love with you on cue. But it can help rebuild relationships and strengthen feelings.
They work, if you don't fully believe you have to build faith because otherwise nothing will happen. It depends on many factors, including this one. And in how much will it work? It's also a matter of your feelings, accumulated energy, care in performing the ritual and much more.
Ritual is not a magic wand, but it can be an effective tool if done correctly. It is important to have realistic expectations and remember that magic is only a support, not a solution to all problems.
@wiciol The key to success is to combine magic with action in the real world 😉 Ritual can help create the right conditions, but it is up to us to seize the opportunity.
And whether cards tarota mogą pomóc w określeniu, czy rytuał miłosny ma szansę powodzenia?
@arkania think yes. The cards can show the potential of the relationship and possible obstacles. 😊 It is worth consulting someone who can interpret tarot.