
Heart Love Rituala...
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The heart Love ritual of a novice

Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 2
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You will need:
-white candle,
-2 red candles,
-rose oil,
-Jasmine incense,
-photo of your beloved/loved one, small

-Light a white candle, greet the Salamander, meditate a while by it say what your intentions are, ask for support.
-On the first red candle engrave with a needle the rune of love, "Gebo" and light it from the white one
-The second red candle 7 times anoint with rose oil and imagine how you fill the candle with love for the person you love now engrave your and your chosen one's initials e.g. A.K+M.N= here you draw a heart <3 and light from the white candle.
-Prayer to Venus (you can arrange it yourself You are supposed to feel it)-for example.
"Great Goddess Venus I ask you to make the "name" fall in love with me".
Repeat 3 times.
-On the back of the photo you write love me.
-Set candles with a photo like this:
I photo I
The photo is to be in such a triangle of candles.
-Now it's best to meditate by candlelight until you burn what you've carved.
-Leave the candles to burn out, when there is a tip left from the last candle burn this picture and at the same time remember the feeling you have for this person.

I created this ritual myself, if there is something wrong or something then write.
