Hi everyone!
Things have gotten pretty lousy in my life lately, and I decided to look into cards, even though I am completely unfamiliar with them.
I've had the deck of cards for about seven years, it has gone through all kinds of ups and downs with me, so I'm on track with it.
I've tried to somehow lay out the cards and read their meanings one by one, but I'm having trouble understanding how they affect each other in the layout.
I would like to ask for your help in interpreting what came out to me.
I would like to add that when I tried to lay out the cards a second time, generally the same meanings kept popping up (I'm talking about individual cards).
It was I, Sylvia (04.09.1990), who asked so generally how my life would turn out.
I used the gypsy schedule (unfortunately, without a photo, so I will describe from the upper left corner).
First row (top):
From left - 8 of spades, ace of clubs, 8 of diamonds, king of hearts, 7 of hearts, 10 of spades, jack of diamonds, 7 of clubs
Second row (middle):
From left - jack of spades, jack of clubs, queen of clubs, ace of hearts (reversed), 10 of clubs, 7 of spades, queen of diamonds, king of spades
Third row (bottom):
From left - king of clubs, 9 of hearts, ace of diamonds, 8 of hearts, king of diamonds, lady of hearts, 9 of diamonds, 8 of clubs.
Thanks a lot for your help!
My warmest greetings to you.
@Sunrise009 - It would be nice if you could throw your perspective on the cards first, even if it's not perfect.
Remember, too, that there are several versions of the Gypsy distribution, so it would be helpful if you wrote down what you think each row and possibly each column means.
I'm not sure if anyone will undertake the interpretation of such an extensive layout, but nevertheless - define these values.
As something for the future, I added one by one: 9 of spades (o), 10 of hearts, 7 of diamonds (o), jack of hearts, lady of spades, ace of spades (o), 9 of clubs, 10 of diamonds.
Looking at the cards: there have been quite unexpected changes in work/stability. I'm not sure if you are still with your fiancé (sorry for putting it that way), but the cards indicate an attempt to get out of the relationship. Even if you are still together, I think you feel lonely, you can see the longing and a lot of nerves. It looks like this job gives you a lot of satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment. You get paid pretty well, although it could be better.
You can see some big emotional experiences, as if you have a sense of bad luck - this will pass, there will still be some stress, but the tears will slowly pass. I don't know if you have any official problems - but from what you can see, everything is under control.
In the near future, I think by next summer, your life situation will begin to clear up - there is nothing to worry about, because whatever happens - you will always land on four feet, as they say. In front of you is either a raise or a big bonus, but also some nerves and stress associated with it.
Describing, as I look at the cards - on your left is the past - the Lady of Kier, on the right - also the past, the top and bottom are the present.
What you have in common - the 8 of hearts (with the ace of hearts reversed) and the 10 of spades and the 7 of spades - for me is a longing for affection, a home that is already cold and foreign - in addition, on the side between you the 10 of clubs - a lot of nerves and misunderstandings and the 10 of spades - distance.
@Rogi7 Sorry for interjecting, but I have a question: if the cards absorb energy from the day they are laid, can they indicate something new every day? I don't understand this a bit. In that case, does laying down cards for the future make any sense?