Hi everyone! I need help in interpreting the distribution. The situation is quite complicated, so I am counting on your experience.
I recently met with someone with whom I have a working relationship. We had always kept our distance, but recently I clearly felt that something had changed. The atmosphere was charged, there was a flirtation, I felt that it was sparking.
I made a distribution on how he feels and how things will go between us in the near future. The result surprised me - the Bulls themselves!
- What emotions he has after the meeting - 9 Swords
- What he feels about me - 5 Grenadiers
- Attitude during the month - King of Bulls
- Will there be a meeting - Knight of Bulls
- How it will be at the meeting - 8 Rolls
I don't know what to think about this myself. On the one hand, these Bulls indicate desire, energy, but on the other hand, 9 of Swords and 5 of Bulls are rather uncertainty, chaos, maybe even internal conflict?
Indeed, the distribution is quite intense. In my opinion, these Buns may indicate that he is a conqueror type, he likes challenges. The 5 of Bulls could mean that he feels a little lost in this situation, maybe he has some doubts. And 9 of Swords is probably a sign that he is thinking a lot about this meeting, maybe he can't even sleep at night.
I'm curious to know what others think about it.
Widzę, że macie ciekawy rozkład do analizy. Faktycznie, dużo tu Buław, co wskazuje na silną energię, namiętność, ale i możliwe konflikty. 9 Mieczy na początku sugeruje, że to spotkanie wywołało w nim sporo emocji, być może jest czymś zaniepokojony lub ma jakieś wyrzuty sumienia. 5 Buław to karta rywalizacji, może czuć się niepewnie w tej sytuacji, walczy z jakimiś wewnętrznymi oporami.