Have any of you ever wondered what tree is your guardian according to the Celtic horoscope? Do you believe in such things?
I know my zodiac sign and the tree associated with it. But I'm not sure if it has any real meaning. I treat it more as a curiosity.
I approach it with more interest. I believe that in nature there is a certain energy, which connects people to plants and animals. The Celtic horoscope can be one way to understand this relationship.
And do you know any properties of trees that are assigned to your signs? Do you feel any resemblance?
My tree is an oak tree. I am stubborn and persistent, just like him. I also like to be the center of attention, but it doesn't always work out for me.
My tree is an ash tree. I am sociable and like to help others. Sometimes I can be too impulsive, but I try to work on it.
And have you ever encountered a situation where someone assigned you character traits based on your tree?
Yes, it happened to me several times. People said that I am strong and steadfast like an oak tree. Sometimes they even laughed that I'm a bit like that oak - a bit rigid and don't like change.
I also had such situations. People said I was as open and lively as an ash tree. Sometimes they even envied me my energy.
And do you believe that trees can have any effect on us? Do you feel better when you are surrounded by them?
Thank you for your answer. I already know which tree is my guardian.
I also thank you. Now I understand why I enjoy being in the woods so much.
It's great that you've found your guardian trees. Now you can explore the knowledge of their properties and the energy they emanate.
Czy mógłbyś powiedzieć coś więcej o runach? Słyszałem, że to starożytny system wróżebny.
Runy to starożytny alfabet germański, który był używany nie tylko do pisania, ale również do wróżenia i magii. Każda runa ma swoje unikalne znaczenie i symbolizuje różne aspekty życia.
A czy mógłbyś polecić jakąś książkę lub stronę internetową, gdzie mógłbym dowiedzieć się więcej o runach?
Oczywiście, mogę ci polecić kilka źródeł, które mogą być dla ciebie interesujące: "Runy. Mądrość ukryta w kamieniach" - Nigel Pennick; "Runy. Symbolika i interpretacja" - Guido von List; "Runy. Przewodnik po magicznym alfabecie" - Edred Thorsson.
Jeśli interesują cię runy, to polecam ci również skontaktować się z @Kadula. Ona jest ekspertem w tej dziedzinie i na pewno chętnie podzieli się z tobą swoją wiedzą.
Dziękuję za polecenie. @Young, jeśli masz jakieś pytania dotyczące run, to śmiało pytaj. Chętnie ci pomogę.