Hello! I completely don't know where to start.... Recently, something strange has happened to me and it doesn't give me a break. Namely, for some time now I have had the feeling that someone is watching me. Whenever I am alone at home, I feel someone's gaze on me. At first I thought it was just my imagination, but I started noticing other disturbing signals. The flowers in my garden have started to wilt, even though I water them regularly. And at night I hear strange sounds, as if someone is whispering my name. Is it possible that I am being haunted by a ghost? Or something worse? I'm terrified...
Very possible - and do you feel weakened? ghosts They draw energy from a person, flowers.... serious matter you need to identify what exactly these entities are
This indeed sounds disturbing! And it sends shivers down your spine.... Listen, I once had a similar experience. I also felt such anxiety in a certain place, and then I saw something I can't describe. At that time I was not yet interested in esotericism, so I put it down to fatigue. But now that I know something vaguely about other dimensions, I think maybe it was some kind of astral entity. Or maybe the place was just charged with negative energy? In any case, I understand your fear.
And have you tried to consult someone familiar with such matters? Perhaps with a clairvoyant or medium? They could tell you what is going on.
@Gosia88 Or maybe it's just stress? I know it's easy to say, but try not to wind yourself up. Relax, take a hot bath, read a book. Maybe it will all go away?
Thank you for all your advice! @Betalia, I will try with this meditation and aura cleansing. I hope it will help. @Mirta, cameras are also a good idea, but I'm not sure I want to see what goes on in my house when I'm not there.... A @Elfin, I hope you are right and it is just stress. But somehow I can't calm down....
@Gosia88 As for those whispers, why not try recording the sounds at night? There are many apps for your phone that allow you to do this. You might be able to record something that way and find out what it is.
@Gosia88 Before considering paranormal causes for these events, why not rule out more mundane possibilities? Have you checked your health recently? Sometimes sleep disorders or other medical problems can cause auditory or visual hallucinations.
@Gosia88, a może po prostu ktoś robi Ci złośliwe kawały? Może masz jakiegoś ukrytego wielbiciela, który próbuje zwrócić na siebie Twoją uwagę w ten dziwny sposób?