Hi everyone. I have a serious problem. For the past 2 years, my family has been going through a veritable hell - illnesses, accidents, hostility from loved ones. Everything started suddenly and is of a magnitude that exceeds the usual bad luck. I suspect that someone might have put a curse or a bad spell on us. I even know two people who could do it and have a reason for it. I believe it is possible because I am a person of faith. How to get rid of the curse? Where to look for help in such a situation? Please help, I am desperate.
Present specific facts and events. General statements that "things are going badly" are insufficient. In order for something to be advised, you need detailed examples of exactly what happened to you and your family. What specific unpleasant events occurred? Cite the exact situations and instances that lead you to believe that you may be the victim of a curse or charm. On what basis did you make such a conclusion? What makes you not consider it a mere coincidence or bad luck? The more factual details you provide, the easier it will be to understand what you are really up against and try to point to a possible solution or source of help. Provide as many specifics as possible.
Thank you for your interest in the topic. In the past two years, my family has gone through many difficult situations: my mother became ill with thyroid disease (which did not happen in the family before), my father got bronchial asthma, my grandmother had a stroke and lost feeling in her legs, I had a serious car accident, my grandfather was diagnosed with malignant cancer and died within a year. We run a small farm in the countryside, where our cow fell ill twice and the calf died. In addition, friends and family turned away from us, even long-time childhood friends. You suspect an aunt who did not receive an inheritance (through no fault of ours) and a neighbor who is very jealous if we have something and she does not. Several people can confirm that these two women have cast a bad spell on someone before. I used to not believe it, but now you are becoming more and more convinced that it is some kind of evil power. If there are any questions, I'll answer anything, as long as you get away from it somehow.
These diseases may be the effects of a poor diet, not a sudden curse. Cancer takes years to develop before symptoms finally come. However, I have my doubts that these two ladies would have enough power to make such a mess in your house. Casting curses is no small thing. Why don't you just change your approach to life? Invite this neighbor to eat, embrace her with love, not bad energy. The universe will reciprocate it to you with good things. And if you believe in it very much, you can try a placebo. Invite some witch doctor, let him "unclothe" you, and you will be lighter on your soul.
What do you mean by using a placebo? What do you mean by placebo? Explain and then I'll give my thoughts.
And as for casting a charm, you don't have to be some super-powerful energy guy at all to cast an "evil eye" on someone.
Hi everyone. I have a serious problem. For the past 2 years, my family has been going through a veritable hell - illnesses, accidents, hostility from loved ones. Everything started suddenly and is of a magnitude that exceeds the usual bad luck. I suspect that someone might have put a curse or a bad spell on us. I even know two people who could do it and have a reason for it. I believe it is possible because I am a person of faith. How to get rid of the curse? Where to look for help in such a situation? Please help, I am desperate.
If so many bizarre, unlucky things fell on you at once, even I don't see any reason for anyone's jealousy here. Sometimes it's just the way it is in life that cocky situations collapse one after another - you know the saying "misfortunes go in pairs". If you are actually so screwed up right now and everything has collapsed in a short period of time, it could rather be about some family curse, which is hard to get rid of with some herbs or spells. You'd better look for someone serious who knows and deals with this professionally, not some Facebook or TV wind-up nut. And you'll probably have to pay quite a bit for it.
@trida nie chcę Ci wszystkiego wyjaśniać, żebyś sama mogła dojść do pewnych prawd w przyszłości. Ale spróbuję ująć to krótko własnymi słowami: Mogę zgodzić się, że może to być faktycznie jakaś klątwa rodzinna, trudna do zdjęcia. Ludzie stosują różne metody egzorcyzmów, wypędzania demonów, tak jak robili to kapłani przed Jezusem. Ważne jest, żeby pacjent po prostu uwierzył w daną metodę. Bo to nie zioła czy obrzędy są istotą, tylko siła umysłu i świadomości - potęga ludzka i boska, której one są tylko kluczami. Może w jego rodzinie od dawna trzyma się jakaś negatywna energy, pesymizm, powtarzanie że zawsze mieli pecha? Takie myślenie i nastawienie przyciąga po prostu więcej nieszczęść. Jeśli jesteś wierzący - potrzebuje tej pozytywnej energii i wiary. Musi zastanowić się, w co tak naprawdę wierzy. Większa samoświadomość, miłość, wybaczenie, współczucie dla innych - to ich może uratować. Trzeba patrzeć z zachwytem na życie. Traktować rodzinę jak siebie. Nauczyć ich tej miłości. Niech dziadek podziękuje za chorobę, poprosi swoje wyższe ja/Jezusa o uzdrowienie i wyobrazi sobie codziennie, że jest zdrowy. Bo jak mówił Jezus - najważniejsza jest wiara i siła sprawcza w to, co się robi.
Type, as I will write it directly - this is no family curse, it is not so bad with you. But beware of people who will try to pull you over for money if you continue to seek help. You'll probably hear that they'll bank on you getting this tragic curse lifted. And be prepared that they will tell you that it's a curse from 5 generations ago at least and you have to rake them fat money to get rid of it. So don't get screwed by any scamming scammers. Look for someone legitimate if you want, but don't spend a fortune on it.
Besides changing my attitude to a more positive one, what other solutions could I use? I've heard that bathing with herbs can help. Are there any other methods? I read somewhere that pouring melted wax supposedly works for this type of adversity. Maybe some of you have already used similar practices and could share your experiences in this regard?
@typek Okay, then maybe let's clarify a few things first. You called it a curse. But tell me, do you immediately consider all diseases in the family as some kind of curse? And according to you, do curses always have to come from people?
@panther Yes, that's what I think. I would understand a single illness or accident, but not several in such a short period of time. Since so many different diseases and misfortunes suddenly appeared in my family all at once, it can't be a mere coincidence. Some single illness or accident - maybe, but not such an avalanche of events in a short period of time. Therefore, I suspect that it must be due to some kind of curse.
How about we start at the end...
Since you write that you are a person of faith and live in the Polish countryside, you are probably a Catholic.
Let me ask you straight out - have you been to your confessor or perhaps your bishop with this problem?
Maybe it's worth it? Well, but since you prefer to take advice here....
The fact that friends and family turned away from you is, unfortunately, a normal thing in such situations, not any curse.
Most people just react that way. There are no miracles, curses or the like.
As far as these diseases are concerned, one case of cancer in old age, possibly thyroid problems (which are quite common today) or an accident, is nothing unusual, and certainly not a curse.
If there is anything to talk about here at all, it is rather a series of difficult aspects of the planets, especially Saturn, which has been in the sign of Scorpio for more than two years.
@aksasyena You write that I should go to the priest, actually I don't know why I don't do it myself. Maybe I'm not that closely connected with the church, or maybe I'm just ashamed.... Now I don't know what to think about all this myself - maybe there really are no curses, only I blindly believe in them? How about bioenergotherapy? I know one very good bioenergotherapist, maybe it is worth going to him?
As for the curse, you can remove it yourself, unless you need a placebo in the form of herbs and rituals. I would suggest going the way of love.
Może warto też sprawdzić, czy z samym waszym domem wszystko jest okay. Czy to nie jest jakieś toksyczne lub naładowane złymi energiami miejsce. Sam przez 30 lat mieszkałam w domu, pod którym przechodziło sporo żył wodnych. A niedawno dowiedziałam się, że w czasie II wojny światowej kwaterowali tam Niemcy. Możliwe, że torturowali albo zabijali tam więźniów, tego nie jestem w stanie potwierdzić. Ale wyczuwałam tam mocne, ciężkie energie. Chociaż udało mi się wiele zmienić przez medytację, to tych cieków wodnych się nie pozbędziesz. Może z waszym domem jest podobnie. Warto od tego zacząć - sprawdzić energię domu. Bo jeśli jest z nim coś nie tak, to żadne rituals nie pomogą, dopóki tego nie usuniecie.
@aksasyena Maybe you're right about those water veins, because there might be something like that under our house, too. And what do you think about bioenergotherapy? Could it somehow help here?
On the Internet, you can buy such ADR repellers, which I hear are supposed to be useful. The price is bearable, the range is good, and they don't need to be specially set up. I do not think that what I described is related to the curse. However, if something like that did happen, you can ask in your mind that whatever bad thing is directed at you will bounce back to the sender. Do this about 3 times. I didn't believe in it myself once either, but I tried it with this "reflection" and then my health improved, as if I got rid of something. My parents also felt the difference, although they didn't know I had done anything. Maybe it's a matter of perspective? Maybe we didn't pay attention before that so many people around us were getting sick, and now we've just noticed? Food full of chemicals, furniture, carpets, cleaning products - everything can cause health problems. Try this request to "bounce back" and return the energy taken away. Maybe it will help.