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Joined: 8 months ago
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I am writing on a rather unusual matter. Namely, I am looking for a mentor/s who can help me develop spiritually. Or some coven I could join. 

Jestem dopiero na początku drogi z czarownictwem. Próbuję swoich sił w tarocie, wahadełku i wyroczni. Oprócz tego mam kamienie i wykonuję pomniejsze rituals. Razem z przyjaciółką zakupiłam kilkanaście ezoterycznych książek.

Thank you in advance for your reply!

Joined: 8 months ago
Posts: 1

Good advice- If you are looking for a teacher, this one should tell you how to take care of your safety ,about health and safety about cleansing exercises, these are the basics.

A large number of various great masters with several years of experience from Facebook present such an energy mess that it's hard to watch. They do initiations for people in reiki, and they only take money and leave the person with nothing , they have a terrible energy mess. And their Students don't know how to work even with themselves.

The Akasha Chronicles similarly- fun stuff, but you can quickly get sour there. One girl comes to me every couple of days for chakra cleansing, because she feels bad, KA is not fun either 🙂

Tarot jak kto lubi- pracowałem kiedyś z tarotem nawet na 0700- osobiście wolę manifestować sobie życie /

If you're looking for a teacher, I can look it up for you

