
Medium - what maci...
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Medium - what opinions do you have about it?

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Hi everyone, I have this question. Have any of you already had the opportunity to meet a ghost through a proven medium? Do you happen to know someone like that? How does it look like? Is it worth going for it, or is it better to let it go? What might be the dangers of such séances? Share your experiences in the comments, I'm very curious.

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Nie ma z pewnością wielu prawdziwych ludzi medium w naszym kraju, a ja miałem od groma spotkań z tamtą stroną i duchami, nie tylko z jednym duchem. Nie jest to przyjemne doświadczenie, zwłaszcza tzw. opętanie przez ducha lub ghosts, gdy masz do czynienia z wieloma naraz. Osoba będąca medium potrzebuje odosobnionego miejsca z dala od ludzi, bo jest wtedy jakby w transie i odbiera energię psychiczną z nieświadomości zbiorowej. Można to też nazwać odbieraniem energii psychokinetycznej od ludzi lub zwyczajnie czuciem obecności ducha/duchów.

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I won't quite agree with you on the subject of ghost encounters.

I have also had more than one such experience myself, and a lot depends on the situation and the soul you contacted.

A secluded place is not necessarily required. I happened to attend funerals with a lot of people and somehow this contact with that side was possible anyway (then it was more about escorting the soul, but for me it connects).

In my opinion, there are a lot of factors that affect how we perceive "that side." Each of us may experience it differently depending on circumstances and attitude. The important thing is to be open-minded and not dismiss different possibilities.

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@trida I understand you Tridus, you are absolutely right. What I described is just my individual feelings and experiences. In the end, everything is a matter of perspective and relative. There is no one universal truth in such matters. The important thing is that we shared our experiences, because everyone can perceive it differently.

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@andros That's right. Each of us may have different feelings, experiences, and sensations when it comes to contacting spirits or "that side." It's cool that you shared your stories on this subject. This allows us to see that such things are very individual and dependent on the particular person. Sharing these stories allows us to better understand how differently people can perceive all this.

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@Trida Where did you get the term "draining of souls"? What is your vision of what happens after death that you use such wording? I'm curious to learn about your cosmogony, your belief system about existence after passing to the other side. It's a fascinating topic, so I'd love to know your point of view.

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@rasphul You didn't literally mean escorting the soul to some place. I simply accompanied them on this last journey, although I don't know how to precisely define it.

My belief system involves reincarnation, but with a kind of suspension that can be compared to the Catholic purgatory. And rather than draining, I rather "check" or "supervise" their passage to the other side.

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@trida Aha, now I catch what you meant! Your practices sound similar to the recommendations in the Tibetan Book of Dying, Bar-do Thos-groll.

There, a master or loved one accompanies the dying person, quoting sacred scriptures to help him or her through the illusions and pitfalls on the path to nirvana. Or at least facilitate reincarnation under better conditions if karmic obligations prevent full liberation.

I understand that your activities are not as advanced and complex as in Buddhist traditions. But the basic idea of supporting and assisting the spirit in this final phase seems similar. Thanks for sharing this information, it gave me a broader perspective!

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@rasphul My practice is not so developed and advanced. It started a bit haphazardly, and then somehow it gained momentum on its own. However, I appreciate the information you included in your previous post, as it will give me material to explore in the near future.

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As for visiting a medium, a good friend of mine went to see the medium Fleur while visiting the United States. As far as I know, she was an incredibly positive person, and she can now obtain contact with spirit even with a large audience (because she conducts workshops). She is not a fraud, as she spoke of events and secrets of a friend's father that no one knew. It doesn't have to be a scary encounter, sometimes it works like a phone call to a loving person in the hereafter.
