
Karma - What about it m...
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Karma - What do you think about it?

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I've been thinking a lot lately about how our actions affect the future. Do you believe in karma? What I mean is that the good comes back, and the bad.... well, it also comes back to us, just in a different form.

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In the shortest terms, karma means that our every thought, word and deed has a consequence. It can be compared to sowing and harvesting. You sow good seeds - you reap good fruit. You sow bad - well, the harvest will also be unpalatable.

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@kunia So if I wish someone badly, that badness will come back to me?

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@natalia09 That's exactly right. Energy, which you send out into the world, always comes back to you. That is why it is so important to take care of your thoughts and actions.

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Karma if you hurt comes back, if you hurt saturn it comes back three times, if you use its power the same. Note that even higher magic similarly to natural Wicca always teach one thing - forgive. Note how many parallels to many religions here and yet on these ancient beliefs which were laicized from esoteric activities were built the dominant ones of today religions. It's always worth thinking about why and whether it's really worth wishing badly and whether it's not better for your own mental health to just cut yourself off and not feed on anger and hatred. There will be no bile and if this person has hurt you before, when you yourself begin to return to the level of life you desire then your growth will be the measure of her demise because karma affects both her and you equally, hence it is said that karma is s...ka. Not without reason because it can come at a time when you least expect it, many times when you yourself no longer remember the reasons why it came

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And is it possible to cleanse your karma somehow? I ask because sometimes I do things that I later regret.

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@anima Of course. The best way to cleanse karma is to work on yourself, recognize your mistakes and try not to repeat them. It is also important to apologize, forgive and actively repent for the wrongs done.

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You can also use different rituals cleansing, meditation or affirmations. It is important to do this with full knowledge and intention.

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What about curses? Can they be shaken off?

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@nastie Curses are nothing more than negative energy that has been directed toward us. It is possible to defend oneself against them, as well as to de-curse them. There are many rituals and techniques that help with this.
