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Taos Hum - Mysterious buzzing

Joined: 4 months ago
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Hey everyone! Have you heard of the Taos Hum? It's a strange buzzing sound that people all over the world hear. I wonder what you guys think about it? This phenomenon is really intriguing. I've read quite a bit about it, and it seems that scientists are still not sure what causes it. Some speculate that it may be related to electromagnetic waves, others that it is an acoustic effect. What do you guys think about this? Do you know of any interesting theories on the subject?

Joined: 5 months ago
Posts: 12

Yes, I have heard about Taos Hum. It's a very intriguing phenomenon. No one knows exactly what causes it. Some say it could be related to electromagnetic waves, others say it's an acoustic effect. Sometimes this buzzing can be related to electrical installations or radio waves. It's worth checking for any transmitters or transformers in the area.

Joined: 4 months ago
Posts: 33

@barni A czytałeś może o teorii, że to może być związane z technologią Neurophone? Podobno niektórzy ludzie są bardziej wrażliwi na te fale i słyszą je jako buczenie.

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To bardzo ciekawe. Muszę poczytać więcej na ten temat. Jeśli to faktycznie ma związek z falami elektromagnetycznymi, to może da się jakoś temu zaradzić.
