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Demonic possession

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Do you have any experience with this topic? Or do you know someone who has had to deal with something like this?

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To be honest, I have no idea about magic and these things, but I have always been curious about paranormal phenomena. Do you think that possession is something real, or rather a figment of people's wild imagination?

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Real and very real, already today science is leaning towards it more because many people ended up in psychiatric hospitals experiencing such attacks.

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I don't know much about magic either. But I once went to a psychic who said I had a spirit "attached" to me. I don't know if that's the same as possession, but I've felt somehow uncomfortable ever since.

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@daneczka it happens very often , you could have even created this energy entity yourself with a strong intention , you want to check what this spirit is? it would be appropriate

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@daneczka What you described sounds more like an energy hookup than a possession. These are two different phenomena. Possession is a condition in which some foreign entity takes control of a person's body and mind. A hookup, on the other hand, is simply the presence of an alien energy that can affect our moods and emotions, but does not have full power over us.

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Not really, the manifestation of the presence of an entity does not start from the proverbial thick pipe from the very beginning - read a little on the subject, no less, she should go to a person who has a knowledge of this and he will tell her what is the effect of all this because it may even be the effect of the presence of residual entities in the house or ghosts or demons - they suck energy and it's healthy, the forum alone and remotely will not help her much, certainly she would have to develop the topic and maybe we will be closer to the truth

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Posted by: @kunia

What you described sounds more like an energy hookup than a possession. These are two different phenomena. Possession is a condition in which some foreign entity takes control of a person's body and mind. A hookup, on the other hand, is simply the presence of an alien energy that can affect our moods and emotions, but does not have full power over us.

That's right. Possession is a very serious matter, and fortunately it is quite rare. It is often confused with various mental disorders, so it is important to consult both a doctor and someone familiar with esotericism when in doubt.


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And is there any way to protect yourself from this? I've heard that carrying a cross or talismans can help.

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@arkania Amulets and religious symbols can provide some protection, but they are not foolproof. The most important thing is to take care of your energy, avoid risky magical practices and not expose yourself to negative energies.

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I would also add that it is important to have a strong psyche and not give in to fear. Fear is an open door for negative energies.

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And what do you think about exorcisms? I've read about people who were freed from possession thanks to them.

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@natalie09 Exorcisms are a last resort. They should be performed only in cases where we are sure that we are dealing with a possession and not a mental illness. Otherwise, they can cause harm.

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I am terrified by all this. I think I'd rather not delve into this subject.

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@oliczka There is nothing to be afraid of if one approaches these matters with caution and respect. Magic is a powerful tool, but it can also be dangerous if used irresponsibly.

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@czulu With magic, one should be careful. Before dealing with it, we should gain solid knowledge and experience. Otherwise, we may expose ourselves to serious consequences.

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And what do you think about the story from the beginning of the thread? Is it possible that someone was possessed by "something" that "itself being in non-matter was physical at the same time"?

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@Leonora, it sounds quite improbable. Usually spiritual beings are not able to physically interact with our world. Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule, but it is necessary to approach such stories with detachment.

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@Betalia, but what about poltergeists? After all, there are cases in which items They move by themselves, or strange sounds are heard.

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@Faddi, poltergeists are a phenomenon related to human psychic energy, not spiritual beings. They usually occur in places where strong emotions accumulate, such as in homes where there are family problems.

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@Hellan tells the truth. Poltergeists are a type of psychokinesis, or the ability to influence matter with the mind. It has nothing to do with possession.

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Returning to the topic of possession, I would like to add that it is often caused by our own negative emotions and thoughts. If we are constantly afraid, angry or living in hatred, we create the perfect conditions for negative energies.

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@Lady is absolutely right. Our thoughts and emotions shape our reality. That's why it's so important to take care of your inner self and nurture positive thoughts.

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This is all new to me. Can you recommend any books or websites where I could learn more about these things?

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@Mara, I recommend you the books "Possession and Exorcism" by Fr. Alexander Posacki and "In the World of Demons" by Fr. Joseph Witko. You can also take a look at the website "".

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A czy są jakieś objawy, po których można poznać, że ktoś jest opętany?

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@Sura, objawy opętania są bardzo różne. Mogą to być np. nagłe zmiany zachowania, mówienie w nieznanych językach, awersja do symboli religijnych, nadprzyrodzona siła fizyczna albo drgawki.

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@Whisper, ważne jest, aby pamiętać, że te objawy mogą również wskazywać na chorobę psychiczną. Dlatego ważna jest konsultacja z lekarzem i specjalistą od ezoteryki.

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Dodam jeszcze, że opętana osoba może mieć problemy z koncentracją, pamięcią i snem. Może też doświadczać halucynacji i urojeń.
