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Secrets of the Goddess Isis: How to Get in Touch with Her and Draw on Her Power

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Isis, the goddess of magic, motherhood and fertility, has fascinated people for centuries with her power and mystery. Her cult, originating in ancient Egypt, spread throughout the ancient world, making her one of the most revered goddesses. Her story, full of love, determination and magical powers, continues to inspire and attract those who wish to connect with her. In this article, we will discover how you can connect with Isis, draw on her wisdom and power, and how to recognize her call.

Isis' duties: protector, healer and queen

Isis - Egyptian goddess
Isis - Egyptian goddess

Isis was seen as a goddess with many responsibilities, encompassing the domestic as well as the state and cosmic spheres. She was the protector of the dead, the guide of souls in the hereafter, and the guardian of mothers and children, ensuring their safety and well-being. Her influence also extended to the natural world, where she was believed to control the flooding of the Nile, crucial to Egypt's agriculture.

Jednak jej najważniejszym obowiązkiem było przekazywanie wiedzy o magii i uzdrawianiu swoim kapłanom i wyznawcom. Izydę uważano za archetyp boskiej uzdrowicielki, wykorzystującą swoje moce do leczenia chorób i odpędzania złych duchów. Jej magiczne zaklęcia i amulety były poszukiwane jako protection w życiu i po śmierci, co podkreślało jej panowanie nad niewidzialnymi siłami wszechświata. Co więcej, faraonowie Egiptu byli uważani za jej protegowanych, a Izyda służyła jako pośredniczka między boskim a śmiertelnym światem. Inwokacje do bogini w rytuałach państwowych legitymizowały władzę faraona, chroniły naród i zapewniały mu dobrobyt i harmonię.

The Powers of Isis: Magic, Protection and Rebirth

Isis was known for her vast magical knowledge, considered by many to be the greatest sorceress among the gods. Her powers not only restored life, as in the resurrection of Osiris, but also protected, strengthened and gave life. She could control the elements, heal the sick and protect against evil forces. Isis' magic was based on her deep understanding of words of power, which she used to manipulate reality and achieve her goals.

Jej moce ochronne symbolizował "węzeł Izydy" lub "tjet", amulet noszony przez żywych i zmarłych w celu ochrony. Wierzono, że amulet ten wykorzystuje moc Izydy, aby chronić noszącego przed krzywdą. Jej księżycowe skojarzenia, przedstawione z dyskiem księżyca na głowie w niektórych przedstawieniach, łączyły ją z cyklami odrodzenia i regeneracji, co dodatkowo podkreślało jej rolę dawczyni życia i przewodniczki w zaświatach.

Why is it worth working with Isis?

  • Healing and Protection: For those in need of physical, emotional or spiritual healing, Isis offers her caring energy and magical protection.
  • Fertility and Motherhood: Isis is the ideal goddess for those who seek the blessings of fertility, both in terms of conception, safe pregnancy and the well-being of children.
  • Spiritual and Magical Development: Isis' wisdom in magic makes her a powerful ally for those who follow the spiritual path, offering insights into esoteric and magical teachings.
  • Guidance in the Beyond: For those worried about the soul's journey after death, Isis offers guidance and protection, ensuring safe passage and a favorable reception in the hereafter.

Signs of the Call of Isis

Contact with Isis often begins with subtle signs, summoning those she deems ready to work with her powerful and caring energies. These signs can manifest in a variety of ways, including:

  • Repeated encounters with its symbols, such as ankh, winged disk or tjet.
  • New or increased interest in the practices of magic, healing or ancient Egyptian spirituality.
  • Dreams lub wizje macierzyńskie, często z udziałem samej Izydy.
  • Synchronicities associated with Isis, such as hearing her name repeatedly or coming across her stories unexpectedly.
  • A sense of protective presence, especially during difficult times.

Sacrifices to Isis, Altar and Symbols: Deepening Ties with the Goddess

Establishing a deep and authentic relationship with the goddess Isis requires not only intentions, but also concrete actions that express respect and devotion. Sacrifices, altar and symbols, which are material manifestations of spiritual connection, play a key role.

Sacrifices: Expressing Devotion and Respect

Making offerings is a traditional practice to honor the goddess and strengthen ties with her. Offerings do not have to be materially costly, but should be given with a pure heart and sincere intention. Here are some examples of offerings that can be made to Isis:

  • Water and milk: They symbolize life, purity and nourishment. Pouring libations of water or milk on the altar of Isis is a traditional way of honoring her.
  • Caciques: Frankincense, myrrh, lotus or rose create a sacred atmosphere and promote contact with the goddess.
  • Candles: Especially in blue, silver or white colors, which correspond to the lunar and protective energies of Isis.
  • Flowers: Lotuses, roses or other fresh flowers symbolize beauty, fertility and nature, which Isis takes care of.
  • Prayers and songs: Reciting prayers, hymns or songs in honor of Isis is a profound expression of devotion and an invitation to her presence.

Altar: Place of Meeting with the Goddess

An altar dedicated to Isis serves as a focal point for worship, meditation and magical work with the goddess. The ideal altar should include:

  • Images of Isis: A statue or image of Isis placed in the center of the altar serves as the focus of devotion and a physical representation of her presence.
  • Symbols of Isis: Ankh, tjet and other symbols associated with Isis reinforce the altar's connection to her powers.
  • Altar Fabric: Fabric in colors associated with Isis (blue, silver, white) helps harmonize the space with its energies.
  • Sacrifice dishes: Bowls or plates for offerings express respect and formality in practice.
  • Candles and incense sticks: Enable regular offerings of light and fragrance.

Symbols: Connectors with the Powers of the Goddess

Incorporating certain crystals and herbs into the practice can strengthen the connection to Isis and harness its energies:

  • Crystals:

    • Moonstone: Resonates with the lunar associations of Isis, enhancing intuition and emotional balance.
    • Lapis lazuli: Symbolizes wisdom and truth, harmonizing with Isis' role as the goddess of magic and knowledge.

  • Herbs:

    • Rose: Symbolizes love, protection and sacred femininity, resonating with the caring aspects of Isis.
    • Myrrh: Associated with healing, purification and the afterlife, reflecting Isis' roles in magic and protection of the dead.

Remember that the most important thing is your personal relationship with the goddess, so adapt these suggestions to your own needs and intuition.

What Isis Likes and Dislikes: The Key to Harmonious Cooperation

Understanding Isis' preferences is key to establishing a harmonious and fruitful relationship with her. Her values and antipathies reflect her nature as a goddess of wisdom, motherhood and magical power.

What Isis Values:

  • Sincerity and authenticity:

    • Isis appreciates pure intentions and honesty in a relationship with her. She does not tolerate falsehood or manipulation.
    • The will of those who approach it with humility and openness of heart.

  • Wisdom and the pursuit of knowledge:

    • Isis is the goddess of wisdom and magic, so she values those who wish to expand their knowledge and understanding.
    • He appreciates the efforts put into learning about its mythology, symbols and magical practices.

  • Respect for Secrets:

    • Isis is the guardian of the ancient mysteries, so she demands respect for them.
    • He does not tolerate a dismissive approach to spirituality and magical practices.

  • Practicing magic with respect and integrity:

    • Isis is the goddess of magic, so she supports those who use her power for a good purpose.
    • He values magic for healing, protection and harmony.

  • Respect for Life:

    • Isis is the goddess of fertility and the protector of living beings, so respect should be shown for all life.

This Isis Does Not Tolerate:

  • Magic used for selfish, manipulative or harmful purposes:

    • Isis condemns the misuse of magic to harm others or achieve selfish goals.
    • It does not tolerate practices that violate the free will of others.

  • Ignorance and arrogance:

    • Isis does not accept disrespect and disregard for her wisdom.
    • He rejects attitudes of haughtiness and belief in his own infallibility.

  • Neglecting the vulnerable:

    • Isis is the protector of the weak and needy, so she condemns indifference and lack of compassion.
    • He does not accept disregard for the needs of people and animals.

In summary, Isis wants her worshippers to be honest, wise and respectful. Her antipathy, on the other hand, is aroused by selfish, arrogant and hurtful attitudes.

Prayer and Ritual of Invoking Isis: Establishing Direct Contact

Direct contact with Isis can be made through prayer and the ritual of invocation. These practices allow you to open a channel of communication with the goddess, express your requests and intentions, and experience her presence.

Prayer to Isis: Expressing Personal Needs and Devotion

A prayer to Isis should first and foremost be personal and come straight from the heart. There is no one universal formula, but it is important that the prayer reflects your understanding of the nature of the goddess and your desire to unite with her essence.

Here are some tips on how to create an effective prayer to Isis:

  • Start with an invocation: Call upon Isis, using her names and titles that resonate with you.
  • Express your devotion: Thank Isis for her protection and express your devotion to her wisdom and power.
  • Present your requests: Formulate your requests clearly and specifically, keeping in mind what Isis values and what it does not tolerate.
  • End with a thank you note: Thank Isis for listening to her and express hope for her blessing.

Sample prayer:

"O Izydo, Matko Bogów, Strażniczko Mądrości, wzywam Cię! Dziękuję Ci za Twoją opiekę i prowadzenie. Proszę, obdarz mnie mądrością, abym mógł podążać ścieżką prawdy. Wspieraj mnie w moich dążeniach i chroń przed złem. Niech Twoja miłość i światło rozjaśniają moją drogę. Dziękuję Ci, Izydo, za Twoje wysłuchanie."

Invoking Isis Ritual: Creating Sacred Space and Inviting Presence

The ritual of invoking Isis is a more formal practice that requires proper preparation and focus. Its purpose is to create a sacred space in which Isis can manifest her presence.

Here are the steps to follow during the ritual of summoning Isis:

  1. Altar preparation: Place the image of Isis, her symbols, candles, incense and vessels for offerings on the altar.
  2. Designating a protective circle: Use a wand or athame to mark a protective circle around yourself and the altar.
  3. Determination of the triangle of art: Draw a triangle on the ground or on a piece of paper and place an Isis symbol or mirror in it.
  4. Invocation of Isis: Light candles and incense, and recite an invocation to Isis, invoking her presence.
  5. Offering: Make offerings to Isis of water, milk, flowers or other gifts.
  6. Meditation and contemplation: Sit in silence and meditate, visualizing Isis' presence and opening yourself to her message.
  7. Acknowledgment and conclusion of the ritual: Thank Isis for her presence and end the ritual by extinguishing the candles and closing the protective circle.

During the ritual, it is important to remain focused and respectful of Isis. Remember that the ritual is a tool to make contact with the goddess, not a magical formula for granting wishes.

Remember that ritual and prayer are personal practices and can be modified according to your own beliefs and intuition.


Nawiązanie kontaktu z Izydą to podróż pełna odkryć i transformacji. Jej mądrość, moc i opiekuńcza energy mogą przynieść uzdrowienie, ochronę i duchowy rozwój. Pamiętaj, że kluczem jest szczerość, szacunek i autentyczne pragnienie połączenia się z tą potężną boginią. Poprzez medytację, modlitwę i rituals, można otworzyć się na jej uzdrawiającą energię i doświadczyć głębokiej przemiany, a także ochronić się przed negatywnymi wpływami. Jej obecność przynosi ukojenie i poczucie bezpieczeństwa.

Contact with Isis is also an opportunity for spiritual growth and the discovery of one's own potential, and her wisdom inspires the search for truth. Regardless of intentions, sincerity, respect and an authentic desire to connect with Isis are key. Remember that Isis values authenticity, humility and a willingness to learn. By opening your heart and mind, you can experience a lasting transformation that will bring healing, protection and spiritual growth.
