Hello! Recently, I've been seeing more and more mentions of Vedic astrology. Have any of you explored this topic? Apparently, it differs significantly from the Western one we usually use.
Actually, Vedic astrology, called Jyotish, is a completely different system. It is based on the Moon, not the Sun, as in Western astrology. This makes the emphasis on emotions, intuition, rather than ego. Besides, in Jyotish there are 27 nakshatras, or lunar zodiac signs, not 12, as in ours.
In Vedic astrology, great importance is given to the position of the Moon at the time of birth. It determines our nakshatra, which describes our main character traits, talents and challenges. It is interesting to note that each nakshatra has its own unique energy and symbolism.
It looks interesting. And have any of you tried to calculate your horoscope According to the principles of Jyotish? I heard it can be done online.
@zengui There are many sites that offer such calculations. All you have to do is enter the date, time and place of birth. I myself used such a site and I must admit that I was surprised by the accuracy of my nakshatra description.