I consider astrology something incomprehensible, but I noticed that there are terms such as Vedic astrology, horary astrology, electoral astrology, etc. In addition, I read somewhere that there is general astrology and birth astrology.
I'm wondering what types of astrology are there and how do they differ?
I apologize for the strange question, I probably touched on a vast topic that is difficult to explain to a person who only knows that you can see the sun during the day and the moon at night.
The question is as close as possible 🙂 I myself am not able to list all types, but for example, there is predictive astrology, which uses such tools as planetary transits, progressions, calculation of solar arc directorships, prospections, solar and lunar horoscopes, etc. We also have partnership astrology, including synastries and vector horoscopes. There is horary astrology, used to ask questions. There is global astrology, forecasting events of wider scope. And there are certainly many more - depending on what you are specifically interested in 🙂