My question is about how the action of a sign differs depending on whether it defines the ascendant, the position of the sun or the moon. Sometimes I read descriptions and I have the impression that in each of these issues they paste the same thing, the basic description of the sign. But on the other hand, I read in the interpretations that some sign, for example, in the ascendant will be more "some there" than if it were the sun in that sign. And this is where I get lost, which in what is "more".
Ascendant, sun and moon are three different energies that affect our personality in different ways. The Ascendant is our "mask," how we perceive the world and how others perceive us. The Sun is our essence, our ego, who we are deep inside. The Moon is our subconscious, our emotions and instincts.
@kunia That's exactly right. And that's why the same sign in each of these places will act differently. For example, Cancer in ascendant may give the impression of being a shy and cautious person, but deep down (sun in Cancer) can be a very emotional and caring person. And the moon in Cancer will add to this a strong intuition and need for security.
It is worth remembering that these are just general rules. Each horoscope is different, and it is necessary to take into account all its elements in order to have a good understanding of how the different characters work.
And is it possible to change your ascendant?
Or maybe if we move to another country, our ascendant will change?
@kanko No, the ascendant will not change. But our perception of the world and how others perceive us may change.
@czulu That's right. Changing our environment may affect our personality, but it will not change our basic characteristics.
It is important to remember that astrology It's not just dry data. It's also intuition and experience.
@indraphoros Exactly. The best astrologers are those who can combine knowledge with intuition.
And have you heard of horary astrology? This is a very interesting field of astrology that allows you to answer specific questions.
But it is worth taking an interest in it. You can learn a lot about yourself and the world.
And did you know that astrology was once considered a science?
@Cohen, yes, in ancient times astrology was highly regarded. It was believed that the stars influenced the fate of people.
And is it true?
@Kalinei, it's hard to say. Certainly the stars have an influence on us, but we don't know quite how much.
And I have read that astrology can help in choosing a partner.
@Loreta.5, and how does it work?
@Fanar, yes, in partnership astrology the horoscopes of two people are compared to see if they match.
And can astrology help with love?
@Agatha.1, yes, astrology can help you understand your needs in a relationship and find the right partner.
And is astrology related to tarot?