Secret societies have fascinated and intrigued for centuries. Surrounded by an aura of secrecy, they are often seen as organizations with enormous, albeit hidden, influence on politics, the economy and culture. While their existence is widely known, their true goals, rituals and internal structures often remain shrouded in mystery. Sometimes it is only by chance, or through a leak, that we get a glimpse of their activities. This article takes a look at ten of the most famous and intriguing secret societies in history, from those with ancient roots to today's influential groups.
Freemasons: Freemasonry Still Active

Freemasonry, one of the oldest and most widespread secret societies in the world (Freemasonry), currently has about 5 million members. Although its origins probably date back to the 14th century, and some sources even speak of the 13th century, the official date of the founding of modern Freemasonry is considered to be 1717. It was then in London that four Masonic lodges decided to merge, forming the Grand Lodge, which became the first governing body of its kind. Freemasonry focuses on the moral and spiritual development of its members, promoting virtue, fraternity and charity.
Based on the traditions of building guilds from the Middle Ages, Freemasonry uses symbolism related to architecture, and its rituals refer to the building of Solomon's temple. Freemasons believe in the existence of a Supreme Architect of the Universe, who is the creative and ordering force of the universe. However, this is in no way a personal deity in the Christian or Muslim sense. Freemasonry sets its members the goal of self-improvement and the development of virtues such as wisdom, strength and beauty. Members of the lodge are required to follow moral principles, take care of their families and engage in social activities. Freemasonry operates on a voluntary basis, and its members are recruited from among free and respectable people, regardless of their background, religion or social status.
However, many conspiracy theories have grown up around Freemasonry, and its rituals and symbols are often the subject of speculation. Among other things, Freemasons are accused of seeking to take over the world and of hiding their activities behind a veil of secrecy. Critics of Freemasonry also believe that the organization has a negative impact on society by creating elite groups that are driven by their own hidden goals. One of the confirmed elements of initiation is the requirement of a recommendation by another Freemason, which adds an extra element of secrecy to the organization.
Despite the many controversies, Freemasonry remains active and is quite popular. Its members emphasize that the organization helps them in their personal and spiritual development, and also involves them in charitable activities. Freemasonry is an organization open to people seeking the meaning of life and wishing to improve themselves morally.
Illuminati: From the Enlightenment to Conspiracy Theories.
The Illuminati, founded in Bavaria in the 18th century, were a group of intellectuals and free thinkers who sought social and political reform. Their ideas were in line with the spirit of the Enlightenment era, with the goal of overthrowing outdated power structures, such as monarchical absolutism and Church influence, and promoting reason and science as the foundations of social order. The founder of the Illuminati was Adam Weishaupt, a professor of canon law at the University of Ingolstadt. The organization, modeled on Freemasonry, aimed to fight superstition, darkness and tyranny.
The Illuminati quickly gained popularity and influence, bringing together many prominent intellectuals, artists and politicians in their ranks. Their activities focused on education, the promotion of knowledge and Enlightenment ideas. Unfortunately, the Illuminati's activities were met with criticism and ostracism from conservative forces, including the Catholic Church, which saw them as a threat to the existing order. The Bavarian authorities, under pressure from the Church, issued an edict banning the Illuminati, which led to the organization's dissolution in 1785.
Despite their short existence, the Illuminati have become a permanent fixture in pop culture and are often the subject of conspiracy theories, in which they are credited with seeking world domination and control over society. These theories, though unsupported by evidence, gained popularity in the 19th and 20th centuries, and their echoes still resonate today. It was believed that the Illuminati, operating in secret, conspired against governments and sought to establish a New World Order. Some believe that the organization continues to operate in secret to this day, with influential members holding high positions in governments, corporations and the media, secretly directing the fate of the world.
Modern conspiracy theories about the Illuminati often link them to other secret organizations, such as Freemasonry or the Bilderberg group. Despite the lack of evidence, these theories are still popular and inspire creators of literature, film and computer games.
Skull and Bones: Elite University Club
Skull and Bones (Skull and Bones) is one of the world's best-known and also most mysterious student societies. It operates at Yale University, one of the most prestigious universities in the United States. It was founded in 1832 and from the very beginning has been surrounded by an aura of elitism and inaccessibility.
Only a select few students who stand out for their intelligence, ambition and leadership potential are admitted to Skull and Bones. Applicants must be at the end of their undergraduate studies (before earning a Bachelor's Degree) and be leaders on campus, outstanding athletes, board members of student organizations or simply popular and influential people in the academic community. The number of members is strictly limited - only 15 new "knights," as the organization's members call themselves, are admitted each year.
The fact that many members of Skull and Bones have gone on to careers in politics (two U.S. presidents, father and son Bush, were members of the association), business and other fields raises speculation about their influence. Alumni of the association include William Taft (US President), Henry Stimson (US Secretary of War), Averell Harriman (Governor of New York) and many other influential politicians, businessmen and academics. This, of course, raises questions about whether members of the organization support each other's careers and whether they have a hidden influence on the fates country and the world.
Although little is known about their activities, rumors circulating about strange rituals and commitments to the association add to its mystery. Members' meetings are held in the "Tomb," a neo-Gothic building that serves as the association's headquarters. Complete secrecy reigns there, and details of the organization's rituals and internal rules are closely guarded. Reportedly, initiation includes, among other things, detailing one's sexual experiences before the group, as well as confessing "dirt" from the past. Rumor also has it that members of Skull and Bones take an oath of loyalty to the organization that stands above loyalty to the state or family.
Skull and Bones, because of its elitism, secrecy and influence, is often the target of attacks and criticism. It is accused of, among other things, favoring its members, creating a "network of cronies" and plotting to take over the world. However, the organization remains one of the most influential and secretive student associations in the world, despite its many controversies.
Sons of Liberty: Heroes of the American Revolution
The Sons of Liberty was a secret organization that played a key role in the American War of Independence. They were active in the British colonies in North America on the eve of that conflict, uniting and mobilizing the population to fight against British oppression. Their goal was to fight against British control and strive for independence.
The Sons of Liberty was not a unified structure, but rather a network of loosely affiliated groups operating in different cities and colonies. Nevertheless, they were united by a common goal and a belief in the need to resist British policies. Members of the organization were recruited from different social strata - they included merchants, artisans, lawyers and laborers.
The Sons of Liberty became famous for many protest actions, the most famous of which was the Boston Tea Party. In 1773, a group of organization members dressed as Mohawk Indians boarded ships of the British East India Company and dumped a cargo of tea into the sea, a symbol of British oppression. It was an act of defiance against the tea tax imposed by the British.
The Sons of Liberty were also responsible for organizing protests against other legislation, such as the Stamp Act and the Townshend Acts. Their actions, though sometimes controversial, effectively fueled anti-British sentiment and united colonists in common resistance.
The organization used slogans that appealed to the broad masses of society, such as "No taxation without representation." This slogan expressed the colonists' belief that they should not be burdened with taxes that they had no influence over the imposition of. The Sons of Liberty were able to effectively communicate their ideas and mobilize people for action, which was crucial to the outbreak and course of the American Revolution.
The activities of the Sons of Liberty were extremely important to the development of the independence movement in America. Their protest actions and involvement in the fight against British oppression were the catalyst that led to the outbreak of the War of American Independence.
The Thule Society: The Occult Roots of Nazism
The Thule Society (Thule-Gesellschaft) was a German occult society that played a significant role in the formation of National Socialist ideology. It operated in Germany after World War I, during a period of political and social chaos that fostered the development of extreme ideologies.
The Thule Society focused on occultism, mysticism and Germanic nationalism. Its members believed in the existence of an ancient Aryan race, which was supposed to be the master race, superior to all other races. Mythology Germanic and runes were a source of knowledge and inspiration for them. Thule also developed conspiracy theories in which the enemies of the Aryan race were Jews, Communists and Freemasons.
The Thule Society had a major influence on the rise and development of Nazism. Many leading Nazis, including Adolf Hitler, were associated with the association. Hitler, although never a formal member of Thule, adopted many of its ideas, including the concept of the Aryan race and anti-Semitism. The Thule Society provided the Nazis with "scientific" arguments to support their racist theories.
Thule members were also involved in political activity, organizing rallies and demonstrations. They were also active in fighting leftist and democratic movements. After the Nazis came to power in 1933, the Thule Society lost ground as the Nazis sought to centralize power and eliminate competing organizations. Nevertheless, the ideas of Thule survived and were present in Nazi ideology until the fall of the Third Reich.
The Thule Society is an example of how occultism and pseudoscience can be used for political and ideological purposes. Its activities show how easily, in times of crisis and social uncertainty, people can succumb to demagogic ideologies based on hatred and a sense of racial superiority.
Knights of the Golden Circle: Confederate Dreams of Empire
The Knights of the Golden Circle (Knights of the Golden Circle) was a secret society that played a significant role in the turbulent period preceding and surrounding the Civil War in the United States. Their goal was to establish a vast slave empire, known as the "Golden Circle," which would encompass the southern states of the US, Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean.
The founder of the Knights of the Golden Circle was George W. L. Bickley, a physician and writer who promoted the idea of expanding slavery south of the US borders. The organization was founded in 1854 and quickly gained popularity among supporters of slavery, especially in the southern United States.
The Knights of the Golden Circle believed that only by creating a strong slave empire would the Confederacy be able to survive and compete with the northern states of the United States. Their vision of the Golden Circle was rooted in a belief in the superiority of the white race and the need to dominate other nations.
In the run-up to the Civil War, the Knights of the Golden Circle engaged in political activity, agitating for the secession of the southern states and the extension of slavery into new territories. Members of the organization also took part in illegal activities, such as attacks on abolitionists and attempts to forcibly take control of territories where slavery was outlawed.
During the Civil War, the Knights of the Golden Circle organized rallies and guerrilla activities within the Union, aiming to weaken the Union's position and support Confederate operations. Their activities, while not always successful, posed a serious threat to the federal government and hampered the war effort.
After the end of the Civil War, the Knights of the Golden Circle lost ground and their dreams Of the slave empire lay in ruins. The organization, although never officially disbanded, gradually faded away, and its members dispersed throughout the country.
Today, the Knights of the Golden Circle are mainly known for the role they played in the history of the Civil War and the promotion of slavery. Their work serves as a warning against the danger of extremist ideologies and the influence that secret organizations can have on society and politics.
The Black Hand: Serbian Nationalism and the Sarajevo Assassination
The Black Hand (Crna Ruka), also known as Unification or Death, was a secret Serbian nationalist organization active in the early 20th century. It was founded in 1911, and its goal was to unite all southern Slavs living under Austro-Hungarian rule into one large state. The organization, although formally led by Colonel Dragutin Dimitrijevic, known as "Apis," included in its ranks many Serbian army officers, as well as civilians, eager for liberation from foreign domination.
The Black Hand's ideology was based on the belief in the superiority of the Serbian people and their mission to unite all southern Slavs. Members of the organization were ready to use force to achieve their goals. They believed that assassination was an effective tool of political struggle and did not hesitate to use it.
The Black Hand gained its greatest notoriety in connection with the assassination attempt in Sarajevo in 1914, in which Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, was killed. This assassination, prepared and carried out by members of the Black Hand, became the immediate pretext for the outbreak of World War I.
The Sarajevo assassination was an act of terror aimed at provoking an armed conflict between Austria-Hungary and Serbia. Members of the Black Hand believed that the war would lead to the liberation of the southern Slavs from Austro-Hungarian rule and their unification with Serbia.
The Sarajevo attack and the activities of the Black Hand exemplify the dangers of nationalism and terrorism. This organization, guided by the ideology of Greater Serbian nationalism, was ready to sacrifice the lives of many people to achieve its goals. The Sarajevo assassination, which became the ignition spark of World War I, is tragic proof of how dangerous the effects of clandestine, nationalist organizations can be.
Assassins of the Alamut Mountains (Hashshashini)
The Assassins, also known as Hashshashini, were a mysterious Muslim sect that operated in the Middle Ages in Persia and Syria. Their history is shrouded in legends and myths that have fascinated and terrified people for centuries.
At the root of the Assassin movement is a political and religious conflict within Islam. In the 11th century there was a split within Ismailism, one of the factions of Shiite Islam. As a result of this split, a sect of Nizarites emerged, which, under the leadership of Hasan ibn Sabbah, known as the "Old Man of the Mountains," established its own state with its capital in Alamut, a hard-to-reach fortress located in the mountains of northern Iran.
The Assassins' goal was to overthrow the Sunni caliphate and establish their own independent authority. They believed that only they possessed the true interpretation of the Quran and that they were God's chosen ones to carry out the revolution. The Assassins used a unique method of warfare - assassinations of political and religious opponents. Their victims included caliphs, viziers, military commanders and even kings. Assassinations were carried out with extreme precision and courage, and the Assassins were ready to sacrifice their own lives to fulfill their task.
The name "Hashshashini" comes from the Arabic words hashish, which suggests that the sect members may have used drugs to increase their courage and effectiveness in battle. Legend has it that the "Old Man of the Mountains" drugged his fedayeen (suicide fighters) and then sent them on missions, promising them paradise as a reward for their sacrifice. However, historians dispute these accounts, claiming that the Assassins were first and foremost well-trained and motivated warriors, and that their effectiveness came from excellent organization, strategy and determination.
The activities of the Assassins sowed fear and terror throughout the region. Their reputation was so great that even Saladin, the Sultan of Egypt and Syria, trembled at the thought of meeting them. The Assassin state survived for more than 150 years until it was finally destroyed by the Mongols in the 13th century.
Today, the Assassins are often portrayed in pop culture as mysterious and dangerous assassins. Their history, though full of myths and legends, remains a fascinating example of the influence of religion and politics on the fate of people and nations.
Ordo Templi Orientis: The Occult Society of Aleister Crowley
The Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), or Order of the Temple of the East, is an international occult society founded in the early 20th century. Its best-known member was Aleister Crowley, the controversial occultist, writer, poet and mystic who gave the organization its ultimate shape and character.
The OTO is an initiatory organization, which means that its members go through successive degrees of initiation, learning the secrets and teachings of the organization gradually. The association focuses on esoteric teachings, such as ceremonial magic, kabbalah, tarot i astrology. The magical rituals, which are central to OTO practice, are aimed at members' spiritual development and self-realization.
Aleister Crowley, who joined the OTO in 1910, saw the organization as an ideal vehicle to promote his own philosophy of Thelema, the guiding principle of which is "Do your will, will be all the Law." Crowley introduced elements of his ceremonial magic into the OTO and gave the organization a more mystical and initiatory character.
OTO is not a typical religion, although it has its own rituals and symbols. The association is open to people of different religious and philosophical persuasions, provided they accept the OTO's principles and are willing to work on their spiritual development. OTO emphasizes individual freedom and responsibility of the individual for his or her actions.
The controversy surrounding the OTO and Aleister Crowley stemmed from their openness about sexuality and magic, which at the time was considered scandalous. Crowley, known for his eccentric lifestyle and controversial views, was often accused of Satanism and black magic. Despite this, OTO has survived and continues to operate to this day, bringing together people from different backgrounds and cultures in its ranks.
Summary: Hidden Influences, Enduring Intrigues.
As the overview presented here shows, secret societies, while often shrouded in an aura of mystery and sometimes suspected of ulterior motives, have existed in various forms for centuries and have served various purposes. Some, such as the Freemasons and Illuminati, have played a significant role in shaping history, influencing political, social and cultural events. Their ideas, though sometimes controversial, have inspired and motivated generations. Others, like Skull and Bones or Ordo Templi Orientis, focus on the spiritual development of their members, offering them unique experiences and initiations. Still others, like the Sons of Liberty or the Black Hand, have engaged in revolutionary and nationalist activities in pursuit of their political goals.
Some of these societies, such as the Thule Society and the Knights of the Golden Circle, used the occult and pseudoscience to justify their ideologies, which had tragic consequences IN HISTORY. The Assassins of the Alamut Mountains, known for their brutal assassinations, show how religious fanaticism can lead to violence and terror.
Despite the diversity of purposes and forms, one thing is certain: secret societies, surrounded by an aura of mystery, will always fascinate and intrigue. Their secrets, rituals and influence are a source of endless speculation and conspiracy theories. Whether we believe in their hidden influence or view them as harmless organizations, secret societies have become a permanent part of history and culture, leaving a lasting mark.
In conclusion, it is worth remembering that secret societies are a complex and multidimensional phenomenon. Their history and activities deserve further research and analysis to better understand their role in society and their impact on our lives.
Have any of you ever read about this Ordo Templi Orientis? I'm also interested in this whole Aleister Crowley thing.