HomeTarot cardsTarot and the Gods: Discover the Meaning of the Cards

Tarot and the Gods: Discover the Meaning of the Cards

Tarot, for centuries a tool of divination and spiritual reflection, conceals a deep symbolism that goes beyond the mere images on the cards. Each card is a gateway to a world of archetypes, universal themes and... divine energies. Yes, you read right! Cards tarot are associated with gods and goddesses from various cultures and mythologies, which adds an extra layer of meaning and spiritual depth.

Traot and the Gods - What is the significance of each card?
Traot and the Gods - What is the significance of each card?

In this article, we will dive into the fascinating world of tarot and discover what deities are behind the various cards of the Great Arcana. We will take a closer look at their symbolism and learn how their energies can influence the interpretation of the cards. Ready for a journey into the spirituality of tarot? Let's get started!

Deities vs Tarot Cards: Unobvious Connections

Before we get into the details, it is worth noting that the connections between tarot cards and deities are fluid and depend on interpretation. There is no one-size-fits-all list, and different traditions and systems may propose different associations. The table below shows popular connections that can enrich your understanding of the cards:

The Great Arcana CardDeity(s)
FoolDionysus (Greek), Loki (Nordic)
MagicianHermes (Greek), Thot (Egyptian)
High PriestessIsis (Egyptian), Hekate (Greek)
EmpressDemeter (Greek), Freya (Nordic)
EmperorZeus (Greek), Odin (Norse)
HierophantApollo (Greek), Brahma (Hindu)
LoversAphrodite (Greek), Frejr (Nordic)
ChariotAres (Greek), Thor (Nordic)
PowerSechmet (Egyptian), Kali (Hindu)
HermitKronos (Greek), Eremite (Christian).
Wheel of FortuneFortuna (Roman), Lakshmi (Hindu)
JusticeAthena (Greek), Maat (Egyptian)
HangmanOdin (Norse), Prometheus (Greek)
DeathHades (Greek), Hel (Norse).
ModerateIris (Greek), Hebe (Greek)
DevilPan (Greek), Seth (Egyptian)
TowerShiva (Hindu), Pele (Hawaiian)
StarAquarius (astrological), Tara (Buddhist)
MoonSelene (Greek), Mani (Nordic)
SunApollo (Greek), Ra (Egyptian)
CourtGabriel (Christian), Yama (Hindu)
WorldGaia (Greek), Ananta (Hindu)

Tarot Card Symbolism: Key to Interpretation

Understanding the symbolism of tarot cards is crucial for correct interpretation. These cards, used for centuries for divination and spiritual guidance, carry unique meanings. The images on the cards represent archetypes and universal themes that help us look deep into our subconscious and better understand ourselves and the world around us.

It is worth remembering that the meaning of tarot cards is not rigidly fixed. Each interpretation can vary depending on the intuition and personal beliefs of the reader. While some cards have universal meanings, like the Tower symbolizing sudden change, others are more open to individual interpretation.

Fool: Journey into the Unknown with Hermes and Dionysus

The Fool, a card symbolizing new beginnings and endless possibilities, embodies the spirit of adventure and freedom. Hermes, the Greek god of communication, travel and commerce, perfectly captures the essence of the journey into the unknown, which is the central theme of this card. Dionysus, the Greek god of wine, ecstasy and ritualistic frenzy, adds a wild, primal energy that harmonizes perfectly with the carefree spirit of the Fool.

Magician: Master of Manifestation with Thot and Mercury

The Magician is a card symbolizing personal power and manifestation. Thot, the Egyptian god of magic, writing and wisdom, and Mercury, the Roman god of commerce, communication and cunning, bring their unique qualities to this card. Thot represents the wisdom of the ancient Egyptians, while Mercury adds cunning and intelligence.

High Priestess: Divine Feminine with Isis, Hekate and Selene

The High Priestess is a card of intuition, mystery and feminine power. Isis, the Egyptian goddess of wisdom, magic and motherhood, Hekate, the Greek goddess of magic, crossroads and the hereafter, and Selene, the Greek goddess of the moon, embody different aspects of this card. Isis symbolizes intuition and mystery, Hekate symbolizes the three faces of femininity (virgin, mother, old woman), and Selene symbolizes the unconscious and divine feminine.

Empress: Abundance of Nature with Venus and Demeter

The Empress card symbolizes maternal energy, fertility and the abundance of nature. Venus, the Roman goddess of love and beauty, embodies the sensual and creative aspect of this card, while Demeter, the Greek goddess of agriculture, represents her nurturing side, providing nourishment and fertility to the land.

Emperor: Power and Structure with Zeus and Odin

The Emperor is a card of power, structure and control. Zeus, king of the gods in Greek mythology, symbolizes strength and leadership, while Odin, the Norse god of wisdom and war, embodies the strategic and commanding nature of the Emperor.

Hierophant: Tradition and Spirituality with Jupiter and Apollo

The Hierophant is a card of tradition and spirituality. Jupiter, the Roman king of the gods, represents power, wisdom and justice, while Apollo, the Greek god of music, poetry and the sun, symbolizes creativity, knowledge and prophetic abilities.

Lovers: Love and Choices with Aphrodite and Eros

The Lovers card symbolizes love, relationships and choices. Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love, fertility and beauty, personifies the creative aspect of love, while Eros, the Greek god of lust and erotic love, represents passion and attraction.

The Devil: The Dark Side of Nature with Pan and Loki.

The Devil is the card of temptation, materialism and enslavement. Pan, the Greek god of wildlife, lust and music, and Loki, the Norse god of deception and chaos, personify the dark aspects of human nature.

Summary: Tarot as a Path to Divinity

The world of tarot is full of mystery, wonder and spiritual connections to various deities. Understanding the gods and goddesses associated with each card allows us to deepen our interpretation and immerse ourselves in the mystical world of tarot. The spirituality of tarot cards is not only about divination, but also about exploring our souls and connecting with the divine. The deities associated with tarot cards are like guides on our path through life, offering us their wisdom and insights into the human experience.

Whether you are an experienced tarotist or just beginning your tarot adventure, I encourage you to explore the divine aspects of the cards. Connect with their energy and let them guide you on your spiritual path.

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